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23 / 05 / 2011 : S H A C K 

My head rolled against the back of the worn sofa. My eyes squinting as I looked around the small cabin. The open door providing a stream of sunlight as I rolled over, my face pressing into the cushion. I moaned as I stretched, my arms hanging over the couch's side as I looked towards the injured werewolf. His eyes were twitching as he held his chest. Dry blood flaking away from his bare torso, as his head lolled to the side.

I rose slowly from my make shift bed, striding towards him I knelt in front of the exhausted werewolf. I peeled his hand away to observe his wound as his eyes opened, he tried to shift away from my prying hands, fingertips just grazing the barely healed skin. I looked at him worriedly, my hand brushing against his hot forehead I frowned. "Hey Der, hows that graze doing?" I asked as I grabbed his hand, his arm resting on my hip as I hoisted him up into a sitting position.

"Just fantastic," he grumbled sarcastically, his head resting on my shoulder as I sat in front of him. I chuckled quietly, "Alpha scratches hurt huh?" I joked as I rubbed his back softly, he just nodded childishly against my shoulder.

I pushed him back against the bed, having to crawl over him as he tried to get away from my restraining limbs. "Derek stop being stubborn." I growled, as his weak arms fought against my own. He pouted his eyes closed, as he let his head fall onto the bed.

"Why didn't you tell me the Alpha was Deaton?" he asked, as I moved off of him to lay beside him. I laughed, "Please Derek, don't kid me with your stupid accusations." His head shifted so his eyes looked into my own, "It's not Deaton," I confirmed, my lips pulling into a thin smile, he frowned in consideration.

"Then who is it?" he groaned, during the action of rubbing his face he winced, the flesh wound opening up.

Ignoring his question I talked about the events following his 'scratch,' from the Alpha. "Well I fought him, and he was extremely playful about it, it was ridiculous because the voices were screaming for me to kill him, and then they just suddenly stopped. I apologised, and then left. He didn't stop me and frankly I just don't understand his point of revenge."

Derek looked at me perplexed, "Voices? Revenge? Playful?" I grimaced, "Um when I blacked out last, I met my Yoda's?" I joked, trying to play it off as I tried to walk away. He sat up abruptly pinning me to the bed, as he tried his hardest not to groan in pain. He pursed his lips, as I huffed. "My Yoda's. Werewolf, Vampire and Witch, rule book they gave me if I don't live by it," I paused, averting my eyes, "I die."

He frowned, "Awe that's sad," he stated emotionlessly as he rolled over into a sitting position, his nose pressed into his shoulder as he stared at the floor. I swallowed as I sat up also, our shoulders brushing as I hung my head, my hand roughly rubbing my neck. "Revenge?" he questioned, his face blank as he looked at me briefly.

"Um just a feeling I got from him," I mumbled as I remembered the many spirals he left in his wake.

"And playful, seriously?" he joked trying to lighten the foreboding mood. I snorted, "Yeah, he pranced around like a pretty princess." I joked, he chuckled his arm pulling me into a side hug,

"It will be all right." He said, although I didn't believe him, the rules weren't exactly helping me play friends with the hunters.

"Hey Der," I whispered, as he woke up, "I'll be back but I got to go see the Sheriff, he seems to think the wanted fugitive Derek Hale has me," I joked, as he rose his face a mixture between the peculiar Hale glare and the not so friendly face off; well an angry Derek. I shrugged "Don't worry your little werewolf ass about it, you're fine here. Klaus and Elijah are watching it," his eyes widened even more so, "Okay maybe you should be worried, but uh don't be," I said not so convincingly. "Stay here." I said sternly as I walked out. I nodded at both Klaus and Elijah, "If you even think about hurting that cute baby werewolf, I'll rip you into shreds," I said, as the wind twirled my hair around, mimicking the actions of the burning fire that raged in my body. I nodded before climbing aboard my bike.


"Hey John," I smiled, "Where were you!?" he boomed, as all head turned to his, I cringed.

"Um with my dad?" his eyes glazed over as he angrily glared at me. I puckered my lips as I averted my eyes, "Klaus got, um, full child ownership over me." I stated as he pulled me into the privacy of his office. He sighed sadly as he brought me in for a hug. "I'm sorry I've been a burden after everything that has happened. Thank you so much for taking care of me, even if it was from a distance for the previous eighteen years of my life." I said meaningfully, he nodded.

"I'm here for you."

I nodded guiltily, "I got to head to school, but I'll come see you as soon as I can." He nodded, as he hugged me tightly. I gulped as I walked my head hung in shame, he deserved to know the things that were happening, but I couldn't find it in my cold empty heart to put him in danger. For once the voices in my head were completely silent as I remorsefully looked over the lost life that I had willingly given for the guilt that I held close to me.


I walked into the History lesson, my eyes landing on the determined face of Mr Harris. I sucked in air, "Fuck I didn't think this through," I mumbled through gritted teeth as Harris leapt towards me, his hand grabbing onto mine tightly. I threw my head up angrily, placing a fake smile on my face I looked at him, "Hey? It's my favourite teacher." I clapped my hands in a false enthusiasm. The class stifled laughter as he dragged me down to the Principle's office.

I slumped in the chair as the principle looked over at me sternly. "Jumping out of a window, really?" he questioned, I shrugged,

"Believe me, anyone would do it if they were stuck in a class with Harris," I said dryly. The Principle sighed, "I'm sorry Miss Stilinski, but your acts of rebellion are going to be punished severely." I chuckled humourlessly, "It's Hall sir, and believe me I've suffered worse than the supposed severity of your punishments." I said my mouth open as I snarled.

"Well, Miss Hall we are going to have to contact your guardian Mr. Stilinski." I smiled shaking my head, "There's been a change of guardianship," I snarled.

"To who?" I smirked, "Santa freaking Klaus, try reading my damn files." I rolled my eyes, as he sorted through my papers.

"Niklaus Mikaelson?" I licked my lips.

"My biological father."

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