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16 / 05 / 2011 : H A L E  H O U S E H O L D

I woke up, or so I presumed. My eyes wouldn't open but I was able to acknowledge two presences beside me. I swallowed, my mouth dry as I involuntarily inhaled cold air, causing me to cough uncontrollable. I launched myself out of bed, my eyes snapping open, the rings of my vision tainted with black. I began to freak out, my breaths coming out in gasps as I clawed at my clothes, tearing them off as I felt skin make contact with mine. Strong arms wrapped around my torso, immediately soothing me as my head was pulled forewards.

My saviour placed me down on the bed as my eyes struggled to remain open. I looked at Klaus as he smiled, his eyes also black. My face remained blank as my eyes began to droop, I turned my head away from him and instead looked at Derek. I inhaled the cold air now soothing me as I listened to the slow rhythmic beating of the heart.


I sat up, sipping at the water to sooth my burning throat. I glared at Klaus as Derek had previously left while I was out. "Are you staying?" I asked, he smirked, "Do you want me to?" I was confused, I felt as though he had left me in the dark about certain things that come with being a Hybrid, nonetheless, I nodded. "Then I will, and I won't leave," he said sincerely, "you have my word." He said as he gingerly kissed my hand. My nose twitched as I looked towards the night sky.

"How long was I out?" I questioned, taking advantage of his sincere moment, it was time to get answers. He shrugged, "Three days," he mumbled carelessly. My eyes widened, gripping my hair and pulling hard as I growled. Standing quickly I grabbed some clothes that Derek had placed out for me and began pulling them on.

"Answers now!" I growled as I grabbed him forcefully pushing him into the couch. I sat opposed from him as he smiled.

"The reason you passed out was because you were completing the transition, and also the two species in your human form have finally come to a decision about who is to control your body. Unlike me, your Werewolf side is more dominant, although your Vampire side has been apart of you for longer the Alpha made sure to dig deep into your neck arteries that coincidentally ran along where he bit you. You're very lucky you hadn't sparked the Vampire gene earlier otherwise, you'd be dead."

 I shrugged, "Okay, thanks for that little explanation as to why my body decided to die on me," I mumbled sarcastically, "now why'd you suddenly up and leave, you left me vulnerable I could've killed another." 

He smirked, "Yes, you could've and you should've, but nonetheless I left to talk to my sister in New York," I frowned, "And you had to leave after the first moon, I mean I need training, I don't want to be a monster. I want to be able to harness my powers to protect myself." 'and others,' I thought. 

He nodded understandingly, "I am sorry about that Evelyn, but it was urgent business that needed to be handled, now can we discuss the rest later. You need to rest and then get back to your Uncle and attend school like a normal student." I sighed angrily as I fell into a dream-like state.


I walked into the burnt hale house, secretly trailing after Scott as he seemingly walked in unnoticed by Derek. I looked around the familiar house, my hands running along the splintered and charred remains of the furniture, as I studied Scott. Him being obviously angered, I stepped back cautiously as I bit my lip.

"Derek!" Scott yelled, "I know you're here! I know what you did!" Scott yelled, 'What'd he do?' I wondered, craning my neck to see Derek sneaking closer to the top of the undamaged stair case.

"I didn't do anything." Derek argued, as he quietly snuck closer, his figure still hidden from Scott's untrained eye.

"You killed him!" Scott growled as he began to search the house, he stepped on the first run of steps.

"He died..." Derek said, trailing off as he hid behind a banister.

 "Like your sister died?" Scott taunted angrily.

"My sister was missing. I came here to look for her!" Derek yelled, his jaw and muscles tightening as he grew frustrated.

"You found her." Scott accused, as he looked at Derek's menacing stature. 

"I found her in pieces! Being used as bait to catch me!" Derek growled as he became more so upset than angry.

"I think you killed them both. I'm going to tell everyone. Starting with the Sheriff." Scott stated snarling as he crossed his arms across his chest.

Scott grew closer to the first floor, his foot stepping onto the first floor as Derek suddenly appeared in front of Scott and I, startled Scott tripped causing him to fall down the stairs. Both men growing angry, with Scott shifting first, as Derek jumped down. Scott getting angrier as the seconds past by, resulting in him throwing Derek through the wall.

Derek stood up, cockily brushing off his jacket he growled, "That was cute..." his face transforming as his fangs extended. They fought, Scott barely even landing a hit as Derek threw him around, Scott now breathing heavily took to his human face.

"I didn't kill him! Neither of us did! It's not your fault and it's not mine!" Derek yelled trying to knock some sense into the misinformed teen.

"This? This is all your fault! You ruined my life!" Scott tried to say, as he sat up his hand applying pressure on his recent wounds.

"No, I didn't!" Derek argued.

"You're the one who bit me." I sighed boredly as I rested against the wall. "No, I'm not!" Derek said, his patient running low as he glared at Scott.

"What?" he asked confused.

"I'm not the one that bit you!" Derek now gritting his teeth, Scott paused as he came to the realisation.

"There's another," he mumbled, "It's called an alpha. It's the most dangerous of our kind. You and I, we're betas... This thing is more powerful, more animal than either of us. My sister came here looking for her and now, I'm trying to find him. But I don't think I can do it without you." Derek said, confirming my reasons as to why he needed Scott, 'To get revenge.'

"Why me? Why not Evelyn," I rubbed my nose at that, looking towards Derek.

"Because he bit you for a reason. You're a part of his pack. It's you, Scott... You're the one he wants." Derek turned and looked at me, a frown consuming his features,

"Evelyn?" he questioned as the room began to fade away.

"Evelyn!" Derek yelled, I snapped up and looked at him, my lips tilted downwards, "What?"

"Are you okay?" he asked, as I tapped my body making sure everything was there for some reason, I shrugged. "I mean I just had a three-day nap after losing complete control over my body? I think I'm okay?"

"Come on, I'll take you home," Derek speaks, grabbing his leather jacket and keys as I climb from his bed to follow him to his car.

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