☽ S E A S O N 2 ☾

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S E A S O N  1 ➳ I N D E X

1). 2011, reveals her major anger issues, destroys truck (Brett's truck) gets arrested, Sheriff Stilinski (John her uncle) Saves her from juvenile detention centre, and instead has her leave Mystic Falls and join him and Stiles in Beacon Hills.

2). She runs though the forest, when she spots the police. She warns Stiles but he is caught. She follows Scott and sees the dead body, and the Alpha. She fights the Alpha off of Scott and is bitten as well. She wakes up and goes to Stiles Lacrosse practice where she shows her amazing skills, although she was already good before hand. She sees Derek from afar, watching Scott. She leaves to Mystic falls.

3). Klaus (Niklaus her dad) Decides to go to Beacon Hills with Evelyn, after finding out that she has been bitten, although she does not know that he knows what she is becoming. Klaus joins Evelyn at school stating that the school is gullible when in reality he had compelled them. We meet Allison.

4). We meet Elijah and Kol, (Evelyn's uncle's if you wish) Where she first shows her enhanced senses, her hearing intensified. Stiles drags her to the forest with Scott where she challenges Derek. Scott makes first line.

5). Evelyn finds out about Klaus's real past and that he is her father, she also discoveries that she is a werewolf and begins to turn. She had Electric Blue Eyes.

6). She escapes Klaus's grasp, and run's into the forest followed by Klaus who stops her before she could kill someone. We find out that Klaus is her anchor. We find out that Klaus knows Derek. Evelyn once again threatens Derek when he appears in Scott's room.

7). Scott, Stiles and Evelyn dig Derek's sister up. Evelyn discovers that Stiles kept the wolfsbane and both Scott and she turn, abandoning the Jeep.

8). A dull red incircles her Electric Blue eyes when she turns. When she turns she finds herself with Derek. She apologises for digging his sister up. Derek is released from Jail.

9). Evelyn goes to Derek to get answers, because Scott supposedly killed Allison in dream, she leaves only to return once more. She subconsciously draws a spiral in the tree with her claws.

10). Derek finds out she doesn't have control, after she sprouts fangs and sucks him dry, they then proceed to go on a road trip. Evelyn stating that they're friends when Derek disagrees.

11). Derek gets annoyed and throws Evelyn out of his car, she continues towards Mystic Falls. She meets a mysterious vampire, who could be Damon. Derek returns and agrees to become friends. They arrive at Klaus's house where Klaus proceeds to train her.

12). They return to Beacon Hills stopping to gas up, Evelyn's weak from being poisoned and beaten up. She meets Chris, and other hunters, and threatens them. Stiles questions her whereabouts, she announces how she's a hybrid, and that she accidentally killed someone, Derek appears in her room, she looses control and blacks out. Hers eyes flickering from grey to electric blue, to purple to red.

13). She awakes in Derek's house, Klaus is there, he asks if he should stay, she says yes. Then asks for answers on whats happening to her. She has her first ghosting/ teleportation moment. The moment where Scott finds out about the Alpha.

14). Derek appears, with his gun shot wound. She punches Derek awake, yet she is scared that he's going to die, she tries to hide it. They leave to go to where Peter is housed.

15). She teleports again/ ghosting only to see Peter alive, then Derek and Scott arrive and he pretends to be comatose. She then tries to attack him in the video store, but he easily beats her because she isn't as strong as she could be.

16). Evelyn annoys Mr Harris and then leaves the classroom through the window. She then visit's Klaus' huge house.

17). Klaus explains the she is now a Witch/ Vampire/ Werewolf Hybrid. Evelyn asks about her Eye colour. Red is Vampire, Blue is Werewolf Klaus brings up Colton or as he refers to him as Tim thinking that she feels responsible for his death. Klaus says she's very powerful, when she mention's her black coloured eyes. She meets kate at Dereks, when she first attacks him.

18). Evelyn beat's Kate up, they then escape but Derek finds out that Evelyn know's who the Alpha is. She finds out that John Stilinski was badly hurt, Derek cracks a joke of sorts after he tries to train Scott.

19). Evelyn visits Peter and somewhat get's him to acknowledge her, she annoys Klaus, and he drags her to Derek's. She asks Derek to train her. She blacks out once more, after repeating 'revenge is sweet,' she changed the climate of the room, she meets Agne, Silver and Horus.

20). Allison is Scott's anchor. Evelyn realises Harris is still on the hunt for her, she runs away only to be met with Klaus. Klaus finds out about her encounter with Agne, Silver and Horus and gets very angry. Evelyn leaves and finds herself once again, with Derek randomly. Derek is attacked, Evelyn unable to speak warning, the voices then scream for her to kill Peter, she tries clearly winning the fight when the voices stop abruptly, she apologises and leaves with the very injured Derek, while Scott and Stiles fend for themselves in the school.

21). She wakes up in a cabin with Derek, she teases him, and then tells him about her inner demons, he laughs and then comforts her, covering his worry for her. She wakes up again and leaves Derek with the Mikaelson's, she warns the Mikaelson's to play nice before she goes to the Sheriff's station, where she tells John her father has taken custody over her. She's only 17 (2011).... she then heads back to school where she is captured by Harris. And sent to the principles office.

22). Derek's a fugitive, Derek appears in her new bedroom in the Mikaelson loft, needing a place to stay. It's the full moon, Evelyn finds out some things about Peter and Derek, he gets close to her and she runs, she goes to a club and tries to get drunk, she drinks blood, but manages not to kill anyone. She then scares Allison and Jackson who are in the car and is scolded by Derek, she then continues to explain everything to Derek.

23). Car chase. Evelyn is driving. Derek and Evelyn are hiding in Stiles room, Danny joins the party. She is tied up and held hostage in Stiles closet. She escapes and then drops a false fact that Derek is gay to get Danny's attention.

24). They find out Peter is the alpha, Evelyn beats Peter up with ease. Bt Peter manages to convince Derek to join Peter. They visit Scott at school. Evelyn makes her first transition into her Alpha wolf, although she has yet to know that she is an Alpha.

25). She's possessive over Derek, Horus makes an appearance, Evelyn kills fifteen people, after blacking out, she asks Horus to help and he comes into the real world, Derek gets jealous when he finds them laying in bed besides each other.

26). Horus makes it obvious that he flirts a lot, and has control over Evelyn's body. Derek and Evelyn nearly kiss, when he tells her how he feels but is interrupted by Jackson. Scott and Evelyn save Jackson, then Derek and Evelyn are captured by Kate. Allison finds out about the supernatural, Evelyn is unaffected by the electricity. She jokes a lot before Russ and Scott save them.

27). They escape, only to be attacked by the Argent's, Evelyn and Horus attack with ease but are called away by Peter. Peter dies, and Klaus takes evelyn away from Beacon Hills, he proclaims the act as an act of kindness, to help Evelyn find herself amidst all the supernatural. 

© Copyright 2010 Julie Plec

© Copyright 2012 Jeff Davis

© Copyright 2015 Emma O'Brien 

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