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 06 / 06 / 2011 : H A L E  H O U S E H O L D

"Hey. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Something doesn't feel right." Derek said as we emerged, or in some cases stumbled into the clearing, his gaze fixated on our surroundings as Horus stood protectively beside me. The trees surrounding us providing little light, as my eyes grew accustomed to the different scenery.

"What do you mean?" I asked, also looking around our surroundings for any dangers, Horus doing the same.

"I don't know. It's - it's kind of like it's - " Derek began only to be cut off by an agitated Scott. "No, don't say 'too easy.' People say 'too easy,' and bad things happen. What, do you think finding you was easy? Getting away from Allison's dad? None of this has been easy." Scott clarified as Derek sighed, "Fine. You're right." Derek mumbled.

"Thank you," Scott replied just as Derek was shot in the leg, I growled feeling the urge to protect take over my senses as a loud roar escaped my mouth.

"Now the leg. Flash bolt." Kate commanded, I closed my eyes as the effect of the flash bolt blinded Scott. My claws grew, as fangs graced the bottom of my lip, Horus stood alongside me his fangs elated as he growled. I ran forward, an arrow lodging in my lower calf, as I snapped it angrily. I dodged the many more attacks before disarming both Alison and Kate. My eyes glowed black as I fought the urge to kill them instantaneously, I focused on Derek as he grabbed the blinded Scott and ran.

Horus took a menacing step forward, I gripped his arm tightly in warning. "Horus," I growled in warning as I stepped back. I winked, "Only criminals, I'm sure Alison has nothing to worry about, Kate on the other hand." I said a smirk on my face as my eyebrows raised. My black eyes glimmering with a strange sense of happiness, I backed away.

Kate who I had assumed, had no weapons left, shot Horus. I winced in pain as he disappeared leaving me with the pain. I felt my fangs grow longer as power surged through me. I snapped my head to the right, "Peter?" I cocked my head before running in his direction.

I shook my head as he sat comfortably on the familiar couch. "What are you doing?" I mumbled, shaking my head disappointedly. "My own Alpha is being driven by pure instinct with no regards to his pack, it's sort of disgusting," I said, my eyebrows raised towards him as I sat beside him.

"Oh shush Sweetpea, I'm just waiting as I always have. For dramatic flair," he stood pushing the door slowly causing it to creak in the eerie silence. I heard everyone turn to face the door, the feelings of other people overwhelming me as I looked through the window. Peter smiled at me almost warmly, as he began to shift. His body grew larger, muscles becoming more defined as fur covered his body. His bones reshaping as his snout sniffed cautiously in the air, he snapped at the air, retaining a little of his human form.

"Shift!" he demanded before he became the monster with-in. Unable to fight the dominant male, I felt myself grow, my bones breaking horribly as midnight black fur grew over my pale skin. My bones clicked in the night, as my claws grew. I leant back on hind legs as I followed after my Alpha.

I watched as Peter, ran circling the survivors as though they were prey. He knocked those who were standing all except Kate, she stood still as I snarled. Stepping into everyone's line of sight, Peter beside me, as we growled. "Come on! Come on!" Kate yelled, her hands motioning for us to come towards her which I gladly obliged. I found my claws digging into her torso, drawing blood before something crashed into my side.

I felt myself immediate shifting back as Peter snagged the huntress, dragging her into the house followed by Alison and Scott. Derek covered my bare body with his' as he hoisted me up. His jacket immediately engulfing me as he looked down at me almost worriedly. Scott, carrying Alison came running out of the house followed closely by Peter, who began to shift fully as Stiles and Jackson appeared in the classic Porsche that Jackson so unwittingly bragged about. While Derek held me down, knowing that I had formed an alliance with Peter, Stiles threw a Molotov Cocktail. Peter now fully turned caught it, a smile upon his werewolf likeliness.

Alison leapt for her bow, just as I had. Silver angrily trying to protect his Alpha, as both Agnes and Horus fought against Silver's dominance. Alison armed her bow, and shot, the arrow splitting the bottle in two, successfully catching Peter on fire. I howled feeling his pain through the pack bond we shared. He began to painfully shuffle towards Alison. Scott screaming in the process and successfully landing a punch on Peter as he fell to the ground. With the threat gone, Derek released me as I fell beside Peter. I held his shrivelled hand as Derek stepped up beside me.

"Wait! You said the cure comes from the one who bit you. Derek. If you do this, I'm dead. Her father, her family - what am I supposed to do?" Scott yelled as Derek knelt beside Peter who coughed, "You've - already - decided. I can smell it on you!"

"Wait! No, no! Don't!" Scott cried, as Derek swiped at Peter's neck. Peter falling limply, as I released his hand. Silver going silent as I felt Horus take control.

"I'm the Alpha now."


07 / 06 / 2011 : H A L L   L O F T

"Love, get up," Klaus said, far angrier than he had been the last few times he had been attempting to get me out of bed. I was distraught, I barely understood myself, the guilt and pain having consumed me more than ever as I sulked in my bedroom. He bit his cheeks, actually being polite as he sat next to his vulnerable daughter.

"I don't know who I am anymore," I cried, the salty tears rolling down my face, as the emotional roller coaster sent my reflexes into overdrive. My claws retracting and lengthening, just as my fangs had done. The blood lust worse than ever, as Horus had taken control, the disappearance of Silver hurting more than ever, a piece of myself gone.

"Evelyn, you will get through this, you are the strongest hybrid. You seek power through your emotions. Use your sadness as a strength because the gods have foreseen something inside of you, that not even you have seen," he caressed my face softly, "you can get through this, I know you can. Come with me." He said. He stood his hand held out towards me as he smiled.

"Where?" I whimpered quietly, as I tugged at the large shirt.

"We are going on a road trip, love, and you are going to discover who you are."

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