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"Okay, stop it!" Scott yells, as I began to feel an intense burning in my shoulder. I shift uncomfortably as my fingers begin to drum repeatedly against my thighs. "Stop what?" Stiles asked as he tapped his steering wheel staring at Scott in concern. "Stop saying werewolves, stop enjoying it so much!" Scott grumbled as he gripped his head.

I frown as I blink black spots from my vision, un-awarely leaning forward to grip Stiles shoulder in warning, "Are you okay?" Stiles asked, as he began to reach for Scott, my grip shifted to his wrist, holding it tightly in warning.

"No! No, I'm not! I'm so far from being okay!" Scott yelled as he shook with anger, while my own body began to shift away from his, feeling his emotions roll over me slowly ripping what little control I had over my body.

"You're gonna have to accept it, Scott, sooner or later!" Stiles yelled back not helping the situation, as I snarl at him, "Stiles, he's-" I gasp, body compulsing as I watch the veins of my arm turn black.

"I can't..." Scott gasped, as the same illusion occurred on his forearms.

"Well, you're gonna have to!" Stiles grumbled, his grip tightening on the steering wheel un-awarely.

"No, I can't breath! Pull over!" Scott gasped as he gripped the dashboard, the veins spreading up his arms and beneath his loose tee, while I followed my own veins as they appeared at my neck. The blood pumping quickly as my breathing grew ragged.

"Why? What's happening?" Stiles said swerving slightly, I grabbed the bag seated in between us, growling lowly, "You kept it?!" I yelled as I felt the effects of the shift take over as I tore at my seat-belt.

"Stop the car!" Scott and I gasped. Stiles swerved to the side, taking the bag with him he stepped out unknowingly allowing us to escape.

I leapt out of the car, Scott and I running in different directions as our werewolf ability took control. A dull red, circled around my iris's as I sped through the dimly lit forestry. Breathing became difficult the more I ran, as I tore at my clothes that restricted my movement. I tore at my hair as I knelt outside the station, my shirt torn, yet still covering my underwear after seemingly losing my pants. My head tilted to the side as I listened to the slow beating of officers working late nights.

I stood, my fangs penetrating my bottom lip, drawing blood as my claws dug into the side of the building. I climbed the concrete walls, arriving on the roof as I made my descent through the ventilation shafts. Using my heightened senses I located the lone wolf, falling out in front of his small cell I smirked,

"Derek," I bit my lip lightly, the blood soothing my blood lust as I rested my head beside his cell door. "What do you want?" he growled, as he stood near my slouched figure. I shook my head a small smile pulling at my lips,

"Why don't you tell me," I said glancing up at him before closing my eyes.

"What do you mean?" he snarled angrily, as his footsteps pounded impatiently against the concrete flooring.

"Well, I turned and now I'm here?" I said as my eyes snapped open, "Care to explain my strange behaviour," he shifted slightly, his electric blue eyes shining in the dark cell as mine did too, my electric blue outlined in red.

"You have blue eyes?"

"As do you?" Baring his teeth he groaned, "I don't know, I don't know anything! I came here looking for my sister and I found her in pieces!" he exclaimed angrily punching the wall.

"Well," I said putting two in two together, "I apologise for accusing you of murder, digging up your sister, and causing you trouble by being bitten." I paused looking at him briefly, "But Scott and Stiles are just kids, my father is a help of sorts, they have no one." He nodded, sighing as he slumped against the walls.

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