"Night Cwaire," Wyatt whispers. I giggle and lay next to Rosa.

"I'm tired too," I tell Blake.

"Goodnight then Claire bear," Blake says leaning over the bed to my side and kisses my forehead before laying next to Wyatt. I close my eyes slowly and next thing I see is black and have a dreamless sleep.


"Thy came upstairs to play," I hear a voice outside my door that wakes me up. I actually open my eyes and see that I'm laying on my side with Rosa And Wyatt next to me and on the other side Blake. I smile once I see Blake's arm draped over the two babies protectively. Then there is a knock on my door. My eyes widen and I jump up off the bed and run to the other side and wake up Blake and Wyatt.

"Hey you ok?" Blake asks jumping out of the bed.

"Ya. Come in," I say and pick up Rosa. Wyatt has actually woken up, because I figured he wouldn't. The door then opens and K walks in with Lynn and Peter behind her. Lynn had a look of happiness mixed with a little bit of fear in her eyes and I look at her confused.

"Hi mommy! Hi daddy!" Wyatt says running to them.

"Hi buster," Lynn says picking him up.

"How was the check up?" I ask noticing K has left.

"It was.... Fine," Lynn says forcing a smile.

"Why lie?" I ask. Lynn and Peter look at each other and then Peter shrugs his shoulders.

"Well you see at the check up we found out I was pregnant again," Lynn says.

"Congrats!" I squeal put Rosa back on the bed and we share a big group hug.

"Just don't tell your mom or dad. I will do that,". Lynn says.

"Or your aunts and uncles. We'll tell them too," Peter says.

"I promise I won't," I say.

"Thank you. And thanks for watching Wyatt. See ya later Claire," Lynn says.

"Bye Claire," Peter says.

"Bye guys," I say.

"Bye Cwaire! Bye Blake!" Wyatt says waving which cause me to smile. I feel Blake standing behind me and soon his arms around my waist.

"I think he likes you," I say looking up at him.

"Who doesn't," he jokes smiling. I smile and shake my head before unwrapping his arms from around me. I grab Rosa from the bed as Blake grabs her toys and we head downstairs.

"Claire you got a text from mom like 10 minutes ago," Colin says pointing to my phone that's on the arm rest of the couch. I grab my phone, unlock it, and check the message.

M~your father and I will be home in 15 minutes. Love you sweetie!

C~see you in a couple mom. Love you too.

"Mom and dad are going to be home in a couple minutes," I tell the boys.

"Where is my mom and dad?" Xander asks.

"Well your mom should be getting off of work soon," I say. I'm about to get comfortable when there is a knock on the door. I groan and walk to the door.

"There is no reason to groan when your grandparents are here," grandpa says as I see him outside the door.

"Hi grandma hi grandpa," I say giving them a hug then getting jumped on by something. Lucky.

"Someone missed you," grandma says smiling.

"Hi boy. I missed you too," I say scratching right behind his ears as he lays on top of me.

"He really did miss her," grandpa says.

"You're yo big for this now Luck. Get off," I say pushing him off of me. Once I manage to do that I stand up.

"Grandma and grandpa!" Xander says smiling.

"Hey kiddos," grandma says. I go by Blake and K as they all say hi to our grandparents.

"they really are young," Blake whispers to me.

"I know they are. They are my grandparents," I say sitting down.

"And this is Lucky isn't it," Blake says petting Lucky who is siting next to me.

"Ya he stays at my grandparents cause it gets crowded around here a lot so they offered to watch him," I say petting lucky.

"well he is the best dog I've ever seen," Blake says and sits next to me.

"Looks like someone found themselves a boyfriend Evan," I heard grandma say.

"Ya he better not hurt her," grandpa says.

"He won't hurt you," I whisper to Blake he sighs in relief because of what I said.

"Thank the lord," he mumbles which causes me to smile.

"Go introduce yourself," I tell Blake and he nods and stands up. I push him forward lightly and soon he is by my grandpa.

"Hi sir I'm Blake Rose," Blake says and puts his hand out for my grandpa to shake and I almost laugh at him.

"Hi Blake. It's nice to meet you. Now how close are you and Claire?" He asks.

"She is my girlfriend sir," Blake says. I can tell grandpa is shocked by that but keeps it to himself.

"Take care of her boy," grandpa says.

"I will sir," Blake says.

"Now go keep her company," grandpa says. I smile and grab Blake's hand when he is close.

"See he isn't bad at all," I whisper.

"I guess you were right," he whispers.

"Always am," I say smiling.

"Ya I know," he says smiling back at me. Then the door opens.

"Hey mom hey dad," I say as they walk into the house.

"Hey guys. Hi mom and dad?" She says more of a question than a statement.

"Oh yes we came to get Sadie, Xander, and Rosa. Shauna has a later shift then usual so they'll be staying at our house," grandma says.

"Well say good bye to your cousins then," dad says. We say good bye and they soon leave. Then I realize. Blake is over and they weren't home.

Dauntless life (sequel to Tris Pedrad)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora