Chapter Twenty Four: Oops

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"I need to tell you something" I started. For some reason I was ashamed now. Not of what I did, but when it happened. "I cheated on my fiancé"

My doctor sat up in her chair, during me through her glasses. Her deep set brown eyes starting through me, analyzing me. I don't know why, but the room seemed to become quieter as time ticked by ever so slowly. She adjusted her position once again before clearing her throat and looking down at her clipboard of papers.

"And when was this Ms. Ferguson?" she asked, raising her dark shaped eyebrow as she questioned.

"About an hour ago?" I replied rather quietly, biting my lip.

"Ms. Ferguson, need I even ask with what man you had the relations with?" she smirked a little. After everything even my psychologist knew my relations with Ashley. I didn't bother to respond so I just shook my head yes. "May I ask why it happened? What was running through your mind during this event?"

"When he kissed me, it felt right, even though I knew tomorrow I was going to get married" I replied simply and quietly, listening to my own words as they came out.

She let out a sigh before removing her glasses from her face and leaning forward in her seat "How often has it occurred to you that what you are going to be doing tomorrow is wrong?" she asked.

"Every day since the night I said yes" I frowned at the memory replaying in my head. "But I never had the heart to tell Draven I changed my mind"

"You were scared how he would take it?" she guessed at the last of it. She was completely and utterly correct. I shook my head yes again. She let out a more sigh before responding "Ms. Ferguson, sometimes in order to be happy, someone is going to be upset. I think this is your turn to be happy" she smiled at me and took a glance at the clock. "Well the sessions over, I'll see you next week at the same time for as long as you need me" she extended her arm and I grasped her small hand.

I gave her a small smile and walked out of her office. Why was everyone speaking in riddles today? First Ashley, now my psychologist? Or maybe it was just because I was slow today. Whichever it was, or still frustrated me.

I pushed past the double doors of the building and headed for my car, just wanting to get home. I wanted my comfy clothes, my popcorn, my movies, and my bed right now. The stress was getting to me and I was getting sick even thinking about tomorrow. Why couldn't I just hike up my skirt and tell Draven how I wanted to call it all off?

Because I knew what rejection felt like, and I've been rejecting people all my life, that's why. I didn't want Draven to feel as though he was just another poor smuck who 'fell in love with Scarlett Ferguson'. But in order to get what I felt I deserved, he would have to feel that way. Maybe in the end, it would be the best for both of us.

I pulled up to the apartment around 5; Draven's car was still gone. I sighed and pulled into the empty space, parking the car, and climbing out. I treaded up the stairs; I was trying to avoid contact with any living species. I felt so down and morose that I didn't want anyone near me in fear they'd catch what I had.

I made out to my front door just to find gifts in front of it. And I'm talking large boxes, small boxes, round wrapped gifts, it was all there. And it was all addressed to me. I rolled my eyes and unlocked the door, carrying the present’s info the main room. Two were shipped via UPS, containing a card. And me being me, I read the card first.


Thank you for coming back home and being so understanding towards your old man. As much as I know nothing will make it up to you, I will always love you, your brother, and your mom. Jer told me about the wedding, and just know sweetheart, do what's best for you. Sorry one of the gifts isn’t new, but I thought you would love to have it anyways. Hope to see you soon.

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