Chapter Seventeen: Unexpected

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I woke up the next morning, my head spinning and the music was no longer playing from last night, meaning my phone was dead. I sat up, ever so slightly propping my weight onto my elbows. My head was killing me, as the bright light shined through the curtains. I looked over and saw Ashley lying next to me, the clock next to his arm glowed 7:12.

I wobbled as I stood up from the bed, looking around locating my clothes. After I put on my pants I unplugged my phone, shoving it in my jeans pocket and searched for my top. I looked around the room before realizing that my top was underneath Ashley. I slowly worked on pulling it out from under him. I was successful and pulled it over my head.

As I turned I felt someone grab my arm. I gasped, shocked by this event. Then I felt Ashley pull me down next to him. I faced him as he looked at me, his face showing… hurt. I felt so bad, terrible in fact, that I was doing this again. He pulled me into a kiss, and it was utter bliss. I felt a pang in my heart as he pulled away all too soon.

“Don’t leave me again” he whispered.

“Ashley I have to” I replied softly as tears stung at my eyes. Don’t cry.

“Scarlett, please” he looked at me, and the pain grew.

“Ashley” A tear slipped from my eye and I mentally cursed at myself. He wiped it away with his thumb, then grasped my hand.

“Don’t leave me please” he whispered. I started to break down and cry.

“Ashley, until I get my fucked up head in the right place I’m going to keep hurting you” I cried.

“Scarlett, you don’t have to do it alone” he wiped my tears away.

“But, I just can’t” I sobbed and took a deep breath “I can’t do this to you. Not until I’m normal” I got up just to have him follow me to the door and grabbed my arm again.

“What is normal Scar, a setting on a washing machine? Why would you ever want to be that?” he looked at me and wouldn’t let me go.

“I want to be as normal as you or Jeremy” I cried “Not this mess”

“I can help you Scar, please, let me” he started to cry, making me cry more.

“I’m sorry” I sobbed, opening the door and running. I didn’t know where I was going, but I ran.

~ ~ ~

Dear Jeremy,

I tried to find you but couldn’t, so I wrote you this letter instead. I was going to tell you that once I apologized I was going to leave and get everything fixed. I wish I could tell you in person because I really wanted to hug you good bye. But I figured you went out with Sammi, so I didn’t want to disturb you or her. So I just wanted to say I love you and I will contact you this time, I promise.

You have my number; it hasn’t changed, and in case you need it just ask CC or Sammi. Don’t get mad at him or me when I tell you that I’ve been talking to them for the past year. And if you could find Austin, Tino, Phil, Alan, and Aaron and remind them I left I would appreciate it. I love you, and I hope to see you in the near future.

Yours In Eternity,


I left the note taped to the outside of BVB’s bus and then waited for the cab to pick me up. Austin and the guys knew that as soon as I said sorry to Jeremy I was going to leave, but they’re so absent minded sometimes I know the chances of them forgetting are high.

The cab pulled up and I placed my things in the trunk. Then it was off to the New Mexico Airport for my ticket back to L.A.

~ ~ ~

“No!” I laughed into the phone “I just wanted to know when Sammi’s coming off the stupid tour bus”

“So you are trying to steal her away from me!” Jeremy joked “She’s mine! Go get your own”

“You guys are talking about me as if I’m a doll” I heard Sammi reply.

“Well your name is Sammi Doll” I giggled.

“Give me the phone” she sighed. Then I heard ruffling as the phone shifted from Jeremy’s hand to Sammi’s.

“I’ll be off the bus in about thirty minutes. We’ll hang out then” she laughed. “Besides it’ll be nice to be a bit stationary for a while”

“Yea well you only dealt with this for a month” Jeremy chuckled.

“Month and a half” she sighed.

“So almost two months of being on a moving box? Ooh how fun” I joked.

“Whatever” I could almost see her roll her eyes “Gonna go now”

“Love you Scar!” Jeremy shouted just before Sammi hung up.

~ ~ ~

I woke up, not even bothering to look at the clock as I ran to the bathroom. I lifted the seat just in time to throw up whatever it was I ate. My head was spinning and my stomach was in knots. What did I eat last night? I must have food poisoning. I felt completely terrible, but it couldn’t have been anything I ate, because to be honest, this has been going on for almost two weeks.

I took a deep breath and thought about something else. No, oh no, no, no. I fished under the sink for a box hoping to god I was wrong. I started to cry as I looked at it.

“Shit!” I hissed. No it couldn’t be. I rushed out of the bathroom and to my room, grabbing my phone and looking through my contacts. The phone rang and a sleepy Sammi answered.


“Sammi” I cried.

“Scarlett, what’s wrong sweetie?” her voice was now worried.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself “How soon can you be over?”

“Fifteen minutes” she said, I heard ruffling, knowing she was already on her way. Then the phone went dead.

I sat on my bed, crying, unknowing what to do. I mean what could I do? The front door opened, and Sammi rushed into the room. I told her where the spare was just in case, but I never thought she would have to use it for this.

“Honey, what’s wrong?” she looked at me.

“Sammi” I balled, I couldn’t even breathe “Sammi, I don’t know what to do. I called you because if Jeremy knew he’d, he’d kill me” I stuttered “What do I do?”

“Scarlett, what’s wrong?” Sammi was pressing for information that I was scared to give. “You need to tell me”

“I-I” I was shaking so bad and stuttering I didn’t know if I could tell her. But I took a deep breath and look her straight in the eyes “Sammi, I’m pregnant”

~ ~ ~

Okay, so maybe you did see this coming. But I bet you won't guess what will come after? How do you think Jeremy's gonna react if he finds out? Loves you all!

And Chance, I am so sorry that you're not in this chapter. But I have something planned for you! You'll love it. P.S. I am NOT naming your character Paul.

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