Chapter Fourteen: Utah

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The first show was done and over with, now it was setup in Utah, performance tomorrow. I had successfully avoided Jeremy, but I knew eventually I would come face to face with him. I hadn’t avoided CC though. But being the friend he is, he’s kept his mouth shut. That’s all I could really be thankful for right now.

I began to doze off but jumped as my phone buzzed.

Cmyster-  What’s up bitch?

Me- Nothing, you?

Cmyester- Nothing really, just pretending like I didn’t see you in Az

Me- You haven’t told Jeremy right?! 0.0

Cmyster- Calm your titties. No I didn’t tell him or Mr. Purdy ;)

Me- Don’t even go there -.- And my titties are calm thank you very much

Cmyester-  They don’t seem like it :P

Me- You can’t even see them!

Cmyster- Oh trust me, they were everywhere when I scared the living shit out of you last show.

Me- I am so done with this conversation

Cmyster- fine, I’ll change the subject then. When are you going to let your brother know you’ve been on tour?

Me- … I’m working on an apology. Haven’t gotten one yet >.<

Cmyster- Then tell him the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth

Me- And have him rip Ash’s head off? No thank you.

Cmyster- Okaaay, well then tell him parts of the truth. Don’t tell him that you and Purdy did the nasty

Me- Do you not have the decency to call it something else? And I wasn’t planning it.

Cmyster- What?! You want me to say bumping uglies?

Me- Oh dear lord, my eyes just melted from their sockets having read that. Please, go back to calling it the nasty, but DO NOT EVER SAY THAT AGAIN!

Cmyster- I figured as much :P I’ll see you next show right?

Me- You’ll see me yea. But no one else can know until the show in New Mexico.

Cmyster- Okay, see ya then bitch.

Me- What is with your obsession with calling me bitch?

Cmyster- Hmmm… I am not quite sure

Me- Later ass

Cmyster-  Byees!!

I dropped my phone beside me and sat up in my bunk, hitting my head on the top. I whispered a curse of pain and jumped down. All the guys were at tech rehearsal, so I was on the bus alone right now. I decided since it was about 2 p.m. it was time to get dressed. I threw on my grey tank and a pair of shorts, grabbing a pair of sandals from under the couch.

I headed out side into actual nice weather. I walked the grounds again, looking at the merch tents. That’s when I wasn’t paying attention and rammed right into… Jake. I gasped and swerved around.

“I am so sorry” he apologized.

“Nah, it’s all good. I wasn’t paying attention” I shook my head and kept my face turned away from him.

“Scar?” he grabbed my shoulder and forced me around.

“Hi Jake” I replied ashamed.

“What are you doing here?” he asked excitedly.

“Well” I shrugged “You know the band Of Mice and Men?” I asked.

“Totally, Austin’s pretty cool” he smiled.

“He’s my roommate” I scratched at the back of my head “And he asked me to come on Warped with him and because I knew you guys were coming I said yes. And I was thinking on how to apologize to Jeremy”

“Just say you’re sorry” he said plainly.

“Sorry doesn’t cover it” I replied quietly.

“He’s your brother Scar, he’ll forgive you” he smiled.

“Jake” I looked at him and took a deep breath “Me and Ash kinda had sex the night I left in Mexico”

“What?” he shouted.

“Shut the fuck up!” I slapped him “Jeremy and Ashley can’t know I’m here until the show in New Mexico”

“Who else knows you’re here?” he asked quietly as we began to walk around, avoiding crowds.

“Only CC, but that’s because I’ve been texting him ever since I left” I replied ashamed.

Jake gave a small laugh “I hope you know Sammi took his phone?”

“Yea I know” I chuckled. “We found it better to text through CC’s phone instead of her’s just in case Jeremy saw”

“Why have you been avoiding him?” Jake asked.

“Because I feel like the worst sister ever” I started to cry “I’ve only brought pain to Jeremy, and I can’t stand to be that any more. I just want him to be happy”

“He’s happy with you Scar” Jake pulled me into a hug and tried to comfort me “You’re his sister he’ll always love you”

“But he deserves so much better” I sobbed.

“He needs you in his life just as much as Sammi” Jake replied quietly.

“I’m leaving again though” I wiped my face.

“Huh? Why?” Jake asked worriedly.

“Because I’m going to apologize to Ash and Jeremy then get my life pulled together” I looked at him and sighed.

“Not before then okay?” he replied quietly “And just promise to keep in contact this time”

I gave a soft chuckle “I will”

“Promise?” Jake forced me to look at him.

“Yes, I promise” I wouldn’t break this promise.

The guys were my family, and I knew they would never give up on me. As much as I wanted them to, I knew they never would. But I was going to apologize to Jeremy and Ashley, whether they would listen to it or not. As long as I know that I did it, I could piece everything back together one little splinter at a time.

Like I said. Another filler. But the next xhapter I will be back to my normal self, I promise! Scarlett's outfit ------->

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