Chapter Twenty One: I Do?

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  • Dedicated to Chance Smith

~Jinxx’s P.O.V.~

We were running late to the venue in San Diego. The bus had some troubles, so Jake called Vic and the guys so they knew what was going on. Because tour started two weeks ago I haven’t seen Scarlett or Sammi. I was missing both of them terribly, and I was anxious. The wedding was in 6 months, and I’ve felt like Sammi was pressured with plans. She’s assured me that she is.

Scarlett has been trying to get things situated and I learned that after coming home she started to see a psychologist. Some new insight was given on her outlook and why she is the way she is. I was a little discouraged when I learned she went to see a psychic about her dreams. She hasn’t really talked about it much after that.

She also said that she had something to tell me that the shrink told her to say. I’m a little nervous about what it is. It could be a number of things, but I’m not dwelling on the negative. The bus pulled to a stop in the back of the venue, thirty minutes before we went on stage. The doors opened and I trotted out, helping the crew carry in the equipment.

I went into the corner and started to tune my guitars, listening carefully to the notes instead of the noises around me. My phone rang in my pocket and a smile crept on to my face.

“Hey sweetie” Sammi said cheerily.

“Hi babe” I smiled, hearing her voice brought comfort to my uneasiness.

“Am I interrupting anything?” she asked, sweetly, causing me to chuckle.

“No, just tuning. We won’t be on stage for another hour or two” I responded.

“I miss you” she whispered, causing me to blush.

“I miss you too” I replied “How are the wedding plans going?”

“They’re going good” she giggled “Almost done, just a few more things and then going in for the dress fitting”

“That’s good” I smiled, happy that she didn’t sound stressed anymore. “Take your time, and do whatever you want. Six more months until holy matrimony”

“I know” I could see her smile through the phone “Well, I’m going to let you go, rock it out”

“I will,” I sighed, sad that we were done talking “I miss you and love you Sammi”

“Miss and love you too my love. Bye” she replied sweetly.

“Bye” I breathed, hanging up the call.

“Hey, Jinxx” Jake came up to me, wrapping his fingers on the case next to him “The guys from Pierce the Veil want us to come and see the opening acts”

“Who’s performing?” I asked.

“Um, Blood Ran Red, then Dark Skies, and Setting Fire to Dolls” Jake replied, thinking about the names again, making sure he was right.

“Uh,” I sat there in thought, pursing my lips. “Come get me when the second act comes up. I wanna sit here and practice a while longer”

“Okay bud, see ya in a bit” he smiled, walking away.

Thirty minutes passed by quickly, and before I knew it, Jake came back and pulled me around to the front. Jaime, Vic, Tony, Mike, and all the guys from our band were in the back with hoods on. I chuckled knowing they were trying to not get attention from the screaming fans. I leaned against the wall, crossing my arms against my chest as Dark Skies came on stage. Since the venue was big, you couldn’t really see anything from the back.

I couldn’t help but smile as the singer began to rile up the crowd. “You fuckers ready to rock? My name’s Scar Ferguson and we’re Dark Skies. Now let’s get this fucking show on the road!” Another uproar came from the audience as she hit several notes on her guitar “Now this first song you should recognize from YouTube when I preformed it at Warped with a motherfucker I like to call Austin Carlile from Of Mice And Men! Here’s A Familiar Taste of Poison”

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