Chapter Twelve: What Have I done?

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I woke up the next morning knowing someone was lying next to me. My eyes fluttered open to the dim light. I looked up to see a slumbering Ashley, and then I twisted my head to see the orange light of the clock flicker the numbers 5:39. Then my attention snapped back to Ashley. Oh no. I didn’t, did I? I looked at the sheet covering our naked bodies. I couldn’t do this, why did I even let him-why did I let myself get caught up in this? I can’t do this to Ashley. I can’t hurt him.

I got up and slipped on my clothing, making sure I grabbed everything before heading back to my room. I packed my bag and doubled checked the entire room before heading out the door. Before leaving I stuck a note to the door of my room then I ran to the taxi that would take me to the airport.

I cried as we drove because I was relapsing. Everything that I had just done came flooding back. I promised I’d never fall in love, I swore I would never forget Sam, and I broke those promises. I started to fall in love. I started to forget Sam. I walked slowly to the clerk to exchange my ticket for an earlier flight than the previous one that had been set for the next couple days or so.

I boarded the plane, knowing how much hurt I am going to cause. But they’ll get over it, it’s better than what I could do if I stayed. I was back in L.A. in no time, so I called Austin. I ran up to my room and grabbed whatever else that there was. Austin pulled up and honked the horn. I jogged outside and put my bags in the back of the truck.

“You okay?” he looked at me as I closed the door.

I looked at him and wiped my face “I will be”

“Okay” he shook his head, knowing that I had just lied.

~Ashley’s P.O.V.~

To be honest I didn’t know why I had been completely avoiding Scarlett. I mean every time I would see her she would just take my breath away. I guess I started ignoring her and being mean so she would stay away and to make Jinxx happy. But that’s not what I wanted. I wanted her in my arms, to hear her heart beat and her lips against mine.

Then she went and surprised me when she could speak Spanish. Unfortunately I couldn’t speak it or understand it, but I knew she was insulting me. I never thought that I was being as mean as I was, but that night I knew I stepped over the line.

We went out to a club together as a final shindig before settling down again and getting ready to go home. She ignored me the entire night like the plague, but I knew I deserved it. We all lost track of each other, so I went on the dance floor. I happened to pass Jinxx and Sammi sucking each-other’s faces off before meeting this really hot chick. I rolled my eyes and started dancing with her, then I saw Scarlett having fun, but I kept my interest in the girl that was grinding on me. I guess I was hoping to make Scar jealous. And it worked because a couple minutes later she stormed pass and went to the bar.

After being a total ass to her she left. She didn’t even stay; she went back to the hotel. I felt so bad that I didn’t even bother to pick up a girl for a one night stand. We left a couple minutes later and I went straight to my room, not even bothering to apologize to her. Then she came knocking on my door, storming past me, and started to argue with me.

“What the hell Scar” I sighed.

“Why do you do that?” she asked, on the brink of tears.

“What?” I asked annoyed but completely aware of what she meant.

“Why do you do that to people?” she asked again.

“Scarlett I’m tired, please just let me go to sleep” I sighed. I didn’t want this, I didn’t want her cry, not over me.

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