Chapter Twenty Three: Hello Again

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~Scarlett’s P.O.V.~

Draven left shortly after I came home. He had an appointment to get his suit fitted, and then his friends and family were taking him out for a bachelor party. I personally didn’t want a bachelorette party, so I was going to be sitting home late tonight watching movies.

I decided that since it was 1 o’clock I needed to get the mail. So I sat up from the chair at the kitchen table and made my way to the front door. As I opened it I was shocked to see Ashley standing outside.

“Ashley” I whispered, still in shock. He gave me a small smile,making my heart futter.

“Hey Scar, I was hoping we could talk?” He asked, clearly nervous about something.

“Um, I have about thirty minutes to spare before I have to leave” I replied, running my fingers through my bangs. “I was just out to get the mail”

“Oh, sorry” he stepped back allowing to reach forward and grab the envelopes.

“Come on in” I gestured, holding open the door for him.

He followed me inside, staying back by the door for a while. I went to the couch, sitting down before reading through the letters. Bill, bill, coupon, ad, bank balance, bill. I sighed and let the letters slide to a stop on the glossy table. Ashley then came and took a seat next to me.

I leaned back and relaxed, turning to face him. I searched his face for any hint on what he wanted to talk about, but found nothing. He took in a deep breath, showing how nervous he was yet again. He looked at me, finally finding words.

“Scarlett. I came here to tell you something I felt you needed to know” he finally said.

“Yea?” I looked at him, urging him to go on.

“I never moved on after you” he replied quickly, diverting his eyes. “You were the one, I just knew it. And even through all the shit that’s happened I still think it’s true” he looked back up at me again, and I was forcing myself to not go into his arms. “When I heard what you were doing after coming back from New Mexico, I knew you were trying, and then you started dating… Draven” he spat his name as if it were poison resting on his tongue. “And I thought, that me dating someone would numb the pain. Then when he proposed to you, something inside me just, died” he licked his lips as his eyes searched me for a response. At the moment I was shocked, I held no reactions. “I can’t watch you marry another guy Scarlett”

“Ashley” I sighed “I can’t just drop the wedding. I thought you moved on, that’s why I said yes” this time it was me who diverted their eyes away. I couldn’t bear to look at his pain stricken face. “It’s too late now. The weddings tomorrow, I can’t just stop it all last minute”

Ashley pursed his lips and sat up from the couch, running his hands through his hair in frustration. “Scarlett I can’t watch you do this!” he finally yelled “I know you don’t love him. But I’m here. I’ve always been here”

“You don’t think I didn’t appreciate that fact?” I sat up and looked at him in anger. “You have no clue on half the shit I went through, with no one there to help me but my guitar and a razor blade” I spat.

“I don’t know because you never cared to tell me!” he yelled back “I wanted to be there for you, to be the one you could run to!”

“You couldn’t handle it” I hissed.

“And how the fuck would you know?” he sneered.

“Because I can barely handle it!” I screamed. “Do you know how much pain, how much torture I’ve been through? You don’t even know the beginning”

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