Chapter Sixteen: Not Again

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I wasn’t expecting to Ashley so soon. Or to even see right after the show, meaning he must have seen me perform. I slowly pulled away from Jeremy and walked over to him. Not before Ashley raced up and swooped me up into his arms. It must have taken all of his strength to not kiss me, but I knew he wanted to talk to me first.

I looked back and forth between Jeremy and Ashley, debating on if I should stay in a group or head away with Ashley to talk to him. As I took another glance at Jeremy he shook his head, telling me to go. I smiled and walked off with Ashley. We walked slowly, both of us fishing for words. We finally came to a secreted place and we stopped, sitting on the grass. He scooted closer to me, and when I faced him he planted a kiss on my lips.

He pulled me onto his lap, gripping at my hair as I held the hair at the nape of his neck. He pulled back and I gazed into his eyes, smelling the slight twinge of alcohol on his breath. Then I realized what I was doing and I climbed off his lap. I couldn’t do this; not now.

“I’m glad to see you Scar” he finally said after silence had settled.

“I could tell” I gave a small laugh.

“Why did you leave?” he asked.

“Yea, I remember” he replied.

“You know that our family is very superstitious” I sighed “Well, I don’t know if you’d call it a gift, but it’s not a curse either. But I’ve had this ability ever since I was born to “see” the future” I used air quotes “And when I make a promise that I don’t keep it eats away at my sub-conscious and it gives me night mares until I honor the promise”

“At least we know you’re reliable” he chuckled.

“Yea I guess. But Ash, when I was with you I developed feelings for you” I scratched the back of my head “But I promised myself that I would never fall in love, and never forget Sam. But when I met you everything changed” I laughed and started crying “And my dreams were full of guilt of breaking the promise and that’s why I left. The dreams were killing me, and I didn’t want you guys to worry about me”

“So you’ll never make a new promise?” he asked “You’ll never put the past aside and move forward”

“Ashley that’s why-” but he cut me off.

“So you’ll never be with me because of a promise you’ll never be able to live down? Is it because you don’t believe that I’ll always be there for you?” he was angered now.

“No it’s not like that-” he cut me off again.

“Fuck it. When you have everything solved and you’re ready” he sneered, getting up and walking away.

He left me here in an empty field, crying. I fell back and looked at the stars, something I haven’t done in a long time. More tears fell, but I didn’t utter a sound. Fuck this I thought, sitting up and walking to the main tent, finding an open bar. None of BVB was there, probably catching up on sleep. I went over and grabbed a Corona from the ice chest. I turned around and saw a very familiar face.

“Craig?” he turned around and a large smile encompassed his face.

“Scarlett!” he shouted, jogging over and giving me a tight hug. “How are you?’ he asked.

“I’m good” I lied “Trying to get everything straightened out”

“That’s good” he smiled. “It’s good to know that you’re trying to… well you know”

I smiled “Yea, I know”

“I know it’s not easy, but I know you can do it” he gave me another hug. I finished my drink and owned another, and then one more.

“That means a lot Craig” I gave another smile “How’s BlesstheFall?”

“Um, I left” he replied.

“Seriously?” I looked at him with shock.

“Yea” he chuckled “I’m with Escape the Fate now”

“Oh you’re the singer that replaced Ronnie?” I asked excited.

“Glad you could pick me out” he rolled his eyes playfully. “I gotta go, but we need to hang out like old times. Love ya Scar”

“Bye Craig” I waved as he walked back to his band mates. I grabbed another drink and opened it. I was starting to get a little woozy.

“Scar?” I heard someone ask behind me. I sighed and chugged the rest of my drink.

“Yea Ash?” I turned around.

“I” he paused and took a deep breath, probably trying to not topple over due to his high intoxication. “I over reacted and I shouldn’t be so quick to judge. I know what it’s like to be burned and to be afraid to give your heart out again. But you make me want to do that again”

“Ash, you’re drunk” I sighed.

“And you’re nearing drunk” he laughed. I rolled my eyes and grabbed another drink. Everything eventually started passing in blurs.

I was dancing at one moment, drinking another moment, and then making out with… Ashley I think at another moment. I remember getting into a car next and going to this hotel, motel place. I was so confused because it seemed like everything was just speeding past. Then I remembered I was with Ashley at the motel. As soon as he opened the door I walked in to find a stereo. It was an old system, but I found one and plugged in my phone, searching through my songs.

“What are you doing?’ he asked in a drunken slur.

“Have you ever heard that song by Falling in Reverse called Good Girls Bad Guys?” I hiccupped.

“Ummm yes,” he paused “in a sense of no”

“Well it’s funny cause it’s just totally about sex, like a lot of songs. But like it’s catchy” I replied, drunk I knew.

“Put it on repeat” he laughed.

We sat on the couch listening to the song as I turned to look at him “I think you’re a bad boy” I giggled.

“So does that make you a good girl?” he asked.

“I don’t know” I shrugged Ashley leant down and kissed me.

And of course, it went where I thought it would never go again. But who was I kidding I was so drunk right now I don’t think I’d be able to open my eyes tomorrow morning. But somewhere in my sub-conscious (well the part that wasn’t drunk) I knew that I would do the same thing as last time. The only difference is I’m going to tell Jeremy why I came, and why I’m leaving.

I broke out of thought and moaned as Ashley nibbled and sucked at my stupid effing soft spot. Why did he make me feel this way? Why were my feelings so diverse? As I stated drifting into sleep the lyrics and chords of Good Girls, Bad Guys playing in the background.

Morning would come. And it would all be the same. How am I even thinking rationally if I’m drunk? Maybe I was letting myself do this for my own gain and my sub-conscious was telling me to? I knew I’d have dreams for a while after this, but in this state, I was going to enjoy this. Then tomorrow, I’d visit Jeremy and the others and say that I’m going home. I still needed to get my life sorted out, even if that means having to tell a complete stranger what runs through my head. Yea, I’m not fond of therapists, or psychologists. But if got me another step closer to actually having a relationship with Ashley, then so be it.

~ ~ ~

So basically, just imagine Ashley and Scarlett having sex with Good Girls, Bad Guys by FIR playing in the background. And can you see where this is going? If you do then I bet you don't know the twist Imma put ^^ bye my lovelies!

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