Chapter Six: His Rebel Yell Cannot Hear Her Voice

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Chapter 6. Already?! And it's still in her past! Okay, well read on brosefs.

"Sam?" I sighed, playing with the zipper on his jacket.

"Mhmm?" he responded, continually twirling my hair between his index and middle fingers.

"Did I ever tell you that I loved you?" I asked, smiling a bit as I said this.

"On some occasions" he gave a small laugh.

I sat up and looked him in the eyes "You know I really do love you, and no matter how many times I say it, it will always be true"

"I know" he smiled "And I always will" he leaned in and kissed me.

We've kissed so many times that it was natural. It felt like it had to be part of our relationship, kissing and feeling this way. And I've felt like this for so long. The kiss became deeper, more heated. Sam's hands felt their way up and down my torso, finding their way under my shirt. I didn't want him to stop. I let a groan pass my lips as he pulled away, his breathing labored.

"Do you want this?" he asked.

"Yes" I replied quickly. If my first time was with Sam, I would never regret it. "As long as you do"

"Scarlett," he sighed "Do you want this?" he repeated.

This time I took my time and looked him in the eyes "Yes. Sam, I want this because I want you" I cupped his face in my hand "And I know that I want to be with you for the rest of my life"

As I finished my sentence the smile on his face widened. And his joy reached his eyes, and I knew that tonight I would give up something sacred to me. I was showing Sam that I would always love him. And I knew for a fact that I would never regret this night. We began kissing again, our breath heavy. I felt him smile against my lips as he pulled me closer.

~ ~ ~

It was dark, the walls shined with the small light given by the fluorescent blue bulbs hanging from the low ceiling. Why was I running? Where was I? I turned, corner after corner I saw nothing. I didn't know my importance of being here. Then I heard shouting. At first it sounded like fighting. I heard two distinct voices, both male. I began turning around corners faster, trying to see the two men. All I could hear were their voices in faint shouting.

Then, my heart caught in my throat. I had just found the reason I was here. Sam. I heard his constant screaming, but I couldn't decipher what he was saying. I kept getting closer and closer. This labyrinth was keeping me from him, the labyrinth kept sending me on twists and turns, delaying me from getting to Sam. Then I heard what he was yelling. My name.

"Scarlett! Please, I need you!" he shouted, tears traced in his voice.

"Sam?" I shouted back.

"Scarlett, please! Where are you?" he continued.

"Sam I'm here! Please Sam, I'm almost there!" I shouted, tears stinging my eyes. Damn this labyrinth. Damn these turning passageways.

"Please! I need you! I need you" he sobbed.

"Sam!" I shouted. But all of my attempts were useless, he couldn't hear me.

"Scarlett, please" he cried, and then just like that, the crying stopped, as did the screams.

I wouldn't give up. I ran and ran, more turns came but I would never give up. Then the passageways ended. I was in a small room where a single bright light hung from the ceiling. It shone on a body, lying in a heap on the floor. I approached slowly, not knowing who it was until I was close enough. Tears fell and my breath caught in my throat. I ran to Sam's lifeless body, holding him in my arms. There was nothing that I could do as I watched the blood flow from his wrist in a steady stream, his heart in silence.

A Broken Scar's Outlaw (An Ashley Purdy Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora