Chapter Ten: Chicken

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“Well I’m going to bed” the one with blue eyes yawned. He waved goodnight and made his way down the hallway.

“We all should probably be heading to bed” my brother looked around the room.

“I’m gonna wake up with a hangover tomorrow anyways” replied the one who had been standing next to the blue eyed one. “Night guys” he waved and walked to his room.

“But I’m not tired!” the one sitting in the chair next to me whined.

“Whatever, Scar,” Jeremy had turned his attention to me “I can take you to the guest bedroom”

“I’m actually not all that tired” I replied. I guess being asleep on the couch had caught me up on missing hours of sleep.

“We can be movie buddies!” the one in the chair yelled in excitement.

“Just don’t stay up late you two” Jeremy warned “We have a gig tomorrow, remember?”

“We’ll be fine by tomorrow night” he waved it away, giving it no worry.

“Fine, just make sure it’s a reasonable time guys” Jeremy ran his fingers through his hair.

“Yes daddy” I teased, sticking my tongue out.

“Hasn’t even been up for thirty minutes and she’s already making jokes. There’s the Scar I know” Jeremy sighed with a laugh.

“Night big bro” I replied with a smile.

“Yeah, yeah” he swatted at the air and went down the hallway followed by a girl. When his door shut I turned my attention back to the guy sitting next to me.

“So whadya wanna watch?” he smiled wide. I scratched the back of my head and thought. “Oh shit, I’m sorry” he chuckled “I think the alcohol is finally starting to get to me. I’m Christian, but everyone calls me CC”

“Thank god” I laughed “At least I know someone else’s name besides my brothers”

“Well that’s just a step, you haven’t met the rest of the guys. And if you think I’m fun, then you’re gonna have to hang with all of us”

“Not like I have anything better to do with my time” I replied with a wry laugh.

“So, movie ideas?” he asked “We have Netflix”

“Hand me the remote” I laughed.

We scrolled through all the movie options about five times. That was just for suggested titles too. Eventually we decided on watching The Breakfast Club. When CC had told me he hadn’t seen it I shook my head in disbelief. I mean it’s a classic 80’s movie, and he’s way older than me!

“How can you say that?” I asked.

“I seriously have never seen it” he defended.

“Dude, it’s only one of the best eighties movies in John Hughes’ life” I explained. “Not only that but, it probably has one of the best film soundtracks ever”

“Well stop explaining it to me and let’s watch the damn thing!” he laughed.

I pressed play and I was jittery inside. As I watched it I thought about how well I’ve been since being here. And I’ve only been here for less than a day. But I’m already feeling like myself. I was snapped out of it when CC laughed hysterically. Then one of my favorite parts came up.

It consisted of Judd Nelson’s character John Bender making fun of Anthony Michael Hall’s character Brian Johnson. I quoted along to the entire scene, making CC laugh as I was in perfect sync. I was surprised no one came out to tell us to shut up. We were being pretty loud.

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