Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

Reluctantly, I also give the M&M a hug; I feel silly, but if it would make her happy, I would do just about anything. The cashier that Brooklyn had given her phone to looks at us and smiles while taking the picture of us. She's an elderly woman, but her eyes are warm and kind. After taking the picture, Brooklyn blurts out a quick and sincere 'thank you' before skipping off, once again, forgetting her phone in the process.

The woman laughs and walks over to me, handing me my girlfriend's cell. "You two make a lovely couple, young man."

I say a genuine, "Thank you," for both the compliment and the picture, and then run after Brooklyn into another room filled with the colorful chocolates. I find her amid the stuffed M&M plush dolls and I pick up a medium sized blue M&M plushie, knowing that she only eats the blue ones, and smile. "Do you want this?"

She blushes and shakes her head, "No, it's okay. Either way, I think I left my wallet at home."

I shrug and usher her along, but secretly pick it up behind my back and make my way towards a cashier the next time Brooklyn runs away. After paying for it, I try to find Brook, but she's nowhere to be found, so I just walk outside and send her a text to tell her my location. Unfortunately, only a few seconds after sending the text, her phone vibrates from my back pocket and I remember that I hadn't given her phone back to her since the lady took our picture.

For roughly 15 minutes, I just wait outside, hoping that she will come out eventually, but she doesn't.

This is when I start to worry.

I stride back into the factory and see the lady who took our picture, so I dodge past all the tourists and talk to her. "Excuse me, have you seen my girlfriend?"

"I saw her talking to a young man with brown hair just a few moments ago! She was upstairs." She smiles and directs me to where she had last saw her.

Once again, I thank her for her help and then run up the stairs to scope out Brooklyn.

But something catches my eye.

Familiar, tousled brown hair and angry grey eyes that can only belong to one person.


My eyes lock onto him, but in a split second, he is concealed in a maze of tourists and I'm left to wonder if I'm going crazy, or if Brooklyn's ex-boyfriend followed her all the way to Los Vegas. Either way, I'm left unsettled. Was Alex the brown-haired guy that Brook was talking to? Shit.

"Brooklyn!" I scream out, not caring if people think I'm crazy or not; right now, all I care about it making sure she's safe. "Brook!"

From behind me, I hear her quiet voice. "Harry? What's wrong? Are you okay?"

I sharply turn around and pull her to me in a tight hug, never more happy to see her in my life. "Am I okay? Yes, I'm fine. Are you?"

She laughs uncomfortably and squirms out of my hug so she can look at my face to find clues of why I'm acting so strange. "Yeah, I'm okay."

"You look like you saw a ghost." Liam laughs, and that's when I notice that he has been standing beside Brook this entire time.

Liam has brown hair. I breathe a sigh of relief when I realize that the mystery guy Brook had been with was only Liam, and I had most likely imagined seeing Alex here, because that would be absurd. Right?

"Sorry, I just thought I saw something, but it's okay. It was nothing." I smile and kiss her on the cheek before looking at Liam. "When did you get here?"

"Zayn and I got bored and started wandering around. He went to the drug store to buy a pack of cigars and I came in here and saw Brooklyn." He says. Brook's facial expressions ease up again and she holds my hand assumingly. "The concert starts in three hours, though, and Paul wants us to be at the venue with two hours to spare, so we'll probably start heading back as soon as I find Zayn."

"We should get going, too. I'll see you at the venue."

I wave a final goodbye to Liam and let Brook say her goodbye's as well, then lead her outside and call for a taxi, knowing that she's probably tired from all of the walking.

A driver pulls up in a matter of minutes and we hop into the taxi. Brook stares out of the window while I give directions to our hotel. But soon after, I remember two things I have to give her.

"You forgot to get your phone from the lady that took our picture, you know." I laugh and hand her the cell.

"Oh my gosh, thanks. I'm an idiot." She chuckles and takes the phone, putting it into her pocket.

"And I also bought you this." I take the blue plushie out of my bag and hand it to her. Her eyes widen in astonishment and gratitude as she takes it and gives it a loving hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love it! You even got the blue one! You're the best." She puts it down on her lap and pulls me in for a quick kiss.

Every couple of moments, I turn my head and sneak a glance at her. All I can really do is thank God that the most faultless girl on Earth is mine, because I don't know what I've done to deserve someone as wonderful as she is. She rotates between staring out the window, and playing with her doll. A couple of times, she catches me looking at her and smiles before going back to what she was previously doing.


After arriving at the hotel, we had to make our way past the thousands of screaming fans and somehow get into our rooms. I got in faster than Harry, because they didn't attack me as much as him, but I was still held up outside for at least half an hour.

Now, I'm just pacing around in the lobby, waiting for either Louis or Niall, who I'm pretty sure are the only boys in the hotel for now, to get ready and come down. I think Harry, Liam, and Zayn are all trying to push past the fans outside. Security is keeping them safe, but they still can't make their way into the actual hotel. Louis and Niall were smart to have not left the hotel.

Soon enough, I see Louis exit the elevator and make his way towards the couch on which I'm sitting. "Hey, babe. Where's Harry?"

"Still trying to make his way past the fans." I say as I point towards the door. The sound of the cries of the fans can probably be heard from ten miles away. Louis quietly laughs to himself then sits down next to me, watching the girls outside fight over who gets to talk to Harry.

"How was your day out?"

"It was fun. We wandered the streets then went to the M&M Factory. He bought me this." I hold up my blue M&M plushie and smile, hugging it to my chest protectively.

"I'm glad you two had a fun time." He smiles. I like Louis; He seems like a big-brother figure. While I always thought he would be the immature one, due to all the video diaries, I can see that he has obviously changed since those days back on the X-Factor. He's kind and collected.

Harry, Liam, and Zayn burst through the lobby doors and security immediately locks the doors behind them so the girls won't be able to get in.

"Shit, we're late!" Harry groans as they all run towards the elevator to go to their rooms and get ready. When the door opens, Niall steps out and they all rush in, quickly closing the door behind them and going up to their rooms. Niall chuckles and walks towards Louis and I.

"What's up with them?"

"They're late." Louis informs.

"Oh, I see."

Louis and Niall submerge into their own conversation and I just kind of sit there, not sure what to do with myself while they chat. Out of having no other options, I open up my phone to see Liz had texted me a few hours ago, most likely when Harry had my phone.

'Brook nigga we miss you! Xx Hurry your ass back to Holmes Chapel! Prom is coming up ;).' Attached to the text message was a picture, so I open it up and sigh. The invitation to the upcoming prom.

'You have been cordially invited to the Class of 2013 Masquerade Prom.'

A masquerade... Fancy.

My eyes continue to scan through the invite and I gather all the information that I need. It's on this upcoming Saturday, at a country club in London... And I'm all the way in the USA.

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