"So, what are the plans for the day?" Paul asked through his last bite of food.

"I've got work at 8. What time is it by the way?"

Orion looked behind his at the clock on the stove. "3:00." He said and I nodded my head.

"Is Lucy going to be there?" Paul asked and took a sip of his orange juice.

"What's today, Sunday? Yeah we both work until 4:00. Why?" I looked at him, then Orion. Both had an apologetic smile. "Please don't show up at my work again, guys. I already had to deal with Trish asking me for Rian's phone number. I don't need all of my coworkers drooling over you two." I begged.

"Who's Trish?" Orion asked looking at me with a lop sided grin on his face. My heart sank and the cocky grin on his face. He liked that other girls wanted him?

"Kitty." I said simply taking another bite of food. His nose scrunched and his lips pursed. Apparently he wasn't a fan of Trish. "You don't like her? She was practically begging for your attention."

"I know. It was a huge turn off. She only wanted to talk to me because she knows how much I'm worth. Don't get me wrong, I want to spoil the girl I'm with. But I don't want her to expect it from me." He rolled his eyes. I gave him a small smile but on the inside I was screaming with joy. He didn't like her back. Thank god.

"How do you know she only wanted you for your money?" Paul asked. I wanted to tell Paul to shut up because I wanted to drop the subject of other women, but I was kind of curious. 

"I don't know, subtle hints I guess.  She just kept coming back for more dances, and she didn't even seem surprised when I handed her a money, and she was offering me lap dances before I even took out my wallet. Like I would want to take some stripper home to become my new wife." He rolled his eyes. 

My heart hit the floor. It's not that I wanted to become his new trophy wife, but the way he said it. Like doing that would disgust him. Like all strippers were scum. I set my coffee back down on the counter.

Paul's eyes met mine and I could tell he was sorry for what Orion had said. But Orion didn't think twice about it. Maybe it was just a slip because he was caught up in the moment. Maybe he didn't think of me that way. But, deep down, he still had the thought somewhere in his subconscious. 

After the boys had finished eating I cleared their plates and washed the dishes. Orion had insisted that I didn't have to but after he made such a big breakfast for us I felt like I needed to. Besides I needed a minute to recover from the bruising of my heart. When I was finished I went to the living room but neither of them was in there. I heard faint yelling coming from the movie room so I followed it until I reached the door, pushing it open quietly. I thought they were arguing but it turns out they were just playing video games. I rolled my eyes and pushed the door open wider, taking a seat on the same couch as Paul.

"Fuck you, Orion!" He yelled when Orion's car passed his.

"Ooh, were using full names, now? I guess you mean business." He mocked him.

I recognized the game they were playing but didn't say anything. Amanda's ex-boyfriend, the one that she met at an engineering class, used to play video games all the time. She thought it was stupid and a waste of time, I on the other hand thought they were interesting so he taught me everything he knew. We played a lot of online gaming together as well as some of the classics that he had collected over the years. We played together a lot until she broke up with him. Soon after that I stopped getting to know anything about them considering they wouldn't stick around for very long. In a way, it almost felt like I was breaking up with them too. No use in getting to know someone who is just going to leave.

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