Love Me Or Hate Me But You Want To Fuck Me ͜ʖ ͡°)

Start from the beginning

I waiting around, there was still some time left for Greg to arrive, that is if he decided to visit me after all.

I tapped my feet thinking and Ashley would look at me occasionally giving me a smirk. I would say something nasty but if it weren't for him I wouldn't have gotten a chance to meet Greg at all so I shut up and continued to think of him.

After 10 minutes or so my phone beeped and I jumped too fast. It was a text from Greg. I could've taken my time to reply to him to not seem desperate but that's some shit.

"I'm here."

I received another text which said about his exact location.

I texted him back with where to meet me, which was an empty tour bus, much larger and a little away from the band's.

"I'm going." I said to Ashley who was sitting beside me and got up.

"Wait up." He said putting his phone down, I stopped in the spot and was totally unprepared for what he did next.

The box nearly hit my head but I ducked in time and I looked at him, casually sitting, back to his phone and looked down to find a black colored box.

A box of condoms.

"What the fuck?" I asked him, wanting to leave since I was getting late.

"You'll thank me later." He said it was completely normal.

"Whatever." I said, in my rather pessimistic mood. I turned around and walked a little away from the box on the floor, I doubted I would be needing it. To be honest, I was just glad he showed up.

When I reached I saw he was already, setting up his equipment. He meant business.

I went over to him and without even looking he just handed me the script with a simple "Here."

No hey or hi, just a here. Fine, that was fine.

The script was pretty clear and we started the shooting. Though totally acting indifferent to me, he is a damn good actor when it came to his lines.

The second video had to be shot inside and we went in wordlessly.

The content of the video was amazingly different from how he was acting around me. It was an interview and I tried to give my best. Soon we were done with the recording and I heart ached thinking back to the fun we had when I had first met him and were shooting the video.

"And done." He said flatly and went about to pack up his stuff. I didn't really know how to stop him but I had to some how.

"Hey Greg?" I asked him, scared.

"Yeah?" He asked without looking at me.

"Can you please look at me while talking to me?"

He turned around, his expression unreadable, tiredness clear in his eyes.

"Go on." He said.

"I- uh."

He just looked at me.

"Can we talk?" I said trying to form what I wanted to say to him, I panicked at the blankness as I waited for him to respond.

"I'm listening." He said leaning against the table.

"H-How's Lainey?" What the fuck did I just ask? Out of all things I could ask this guy who I liked so much, I asked this??

"She's doing great." He said.

I felt like I was hanging from a cliff.

"I like you, Greg. It's been pretty miserable not having you around. Nothing can replace what I had with you. I say had but I hope it's not over." I blurted all of this out, not sure where the words were coming from but he heard them and they shocked him, that was quite evident.

"Oh." He said and looked down at the floor. I really wish he would just look me in the eye.

"Yeah." I said in a barely audible voice.

"What about Juliet?" He asked. I felt hope rising in me.

"We're over. And happier that way." I didn't say anything more.

"What do you want to accomplish by this?" He almost spat.

"That I like, Greg. I like being with you and having whatever we have. I like how caring you are and comforting you can be. I like how I feel so alive and comfortable around. I like sleeping next to you, hell I haven't missed anything like I've missed that. I miss your lips on mine though we've kissed only once but it was so damn perfect, nothing can ever compare. And I know I'm rambling but I don't know, I just want you in my life. I don't know why Tori did what she did but I would never hurt you. I tend to push people away but I didn't even realized how much you meant to me. I realized I was in deep and there was no escape. I know you feel something too. I will make it up to you, whatever that cunt did. Please just stay." I talked fast, not realizing half the things I said and feeling really exhausted but at the same time a bit lighter after.

"I-" He started but stopped.

I walked close to him, nearly centimeters away.

"Please." Is all I said.

He looked me in the eye and down to my lips and as if on an unspoken agreement, we kissed.

I pressed him against the table as the kiss intensified. God, I missed the feel of his lips, it was perfect. It was just what had been missing.

He broke the kiss and looked at me, breathless.

"I'm still not sure." He said looking at me.

I looked around and when I found no one there, I put a hand on his chest.

He looked at me in confusion but his features changed as my hand trailed down to his pants, slowly.

"Maybe I can change that?" I pulled him further into the bus where no one could see us.

I suddenly regretted not bringing the box that Ashley threw at me but I'm sure we could work something out.


There's more from where that came from.

Good chance there'll be slow updates from now on but there aren't many chapters left.


Anywayyyyyyy, you all make my day okay. Seriously, everyone reading this. You all mean a lot to me.

Well, hope you liked the chapter, comment and vote if you like ^~^

and remember, you just keep being you :3

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