"Aye , Brooklyn." Hisan flipped a pancake as he took some bacon out the skillet .

"Wassup." Brooklyn stood next to her brother .

"You know I'm planning to go back to Jamaica right?"

Brooklyn nodded . She hated that he's trying to move Fame away but it's for the best .

"I want you to come also."

"What?" Brooklyn chuckled .

"I just feel like being here isn't good for you or the kids. I feel you will be safe if you're with me." He gave Brooklyn a serious glare .

"Hisan you know I can't up and pack my things like that . I just started my new job and everything . What about Marion?" She stated

Hisan sighed . That's exactly what he was referring to . He does not trust Marion . He still have this feeling that Marion will be some trouble and the cause of it . That's why he haven't left yet because he did not want to leave Brooklyn with Marion .

"I just fear for your safety." He hugged and kissed her forehead .

"I'm fine Hisan . We'll come and visit you guys all the time." She reassured him .

The door bell rang.

"I'll get it." Arielle called out .

Soon after , Tavion walked in .

"Happy birthday beautiful!" He embraced Brooklyn. Over the years , Tavion and Brooklyn became best friends . Nothing more , nothing less .

"Thank you!"

He handed her a red bag with red happy birthday balloons .

"What's thiiisssssss?!" Brooklyn stressed excitedly .

She sat the bag on the kitchen table and started grabbing the items out . First she pulled out a red bear holding yellow flowers . Then there was a jewelry set that were red and black , real diamonds . Lastly , she pulled out a red mini dress that would fit her curves perfectly .

"Thank you so much!" Brooklyn squealed holding the dress to her body .

"Why so much red?" Hisan asks .

"That's her favorite color." Tavion smirked at Brooklyn .

"No , it's yellow." Everybody's attention turned to Marion who was standing in the door way .

He went over to Brooklyn and gave her a long passionate kiss including sliding his tongue into her mouth . "Happy Birthday." He smiled.

"Thanks baby." She pecked his lips .

"Let's eat!" Hisan said breaking the awkward tension that was building in the atmosphere .

Brooklyn went to place her gift in her room as everyone ran into the kitchen .

"How you figured her favorite color was red?" Marion asks Tavion .

"She told me yellow became her secondary color." Tavion knew he was getting in Marion's skin but he didn't know why . Brooklyn was attached to Marion . There's no way that she'll switch over like that .

Brooklyn came back in and sat with everyone else . The room was filled with laughter and conversations . They ate and ate until all the food was gone .

"I'll meet y'all at 8." Tavion said his goodbyes .


The day went on fast . Brooklyn wasn't into going to the club . She felt as a mother , she should do something more mature than that so she just simply want to hang out with her family without the kids being around .

They all went to the park then out to eat pizza . Something that the kids would enjoy doing . Then later on that night , they went home to get dressed .

"Arielle you're sure you can watch these bad kids?" Brooklyn ask .

"We're not bad!" They all said causing everyone to laugh .

"I'm sure girl . Have fun!" She pushed Hisan , Marion and Brooklyn out the door .

Brooklyn laughed . They all got in the car and drove to the beach .

"What made you wear that?" Marion asks as she stepped out the car .

"Because it's a gift and it's appropriate for the weather for tonight." She shrugged .

Marion admired her figure in the dress but he hated that it came from Tavion . They walked down the beach and met Tavion by the water .

"It's so beautiful out here." Brooklyn cheered .

"So are you." Tavion complimented .

Brooklyn blushed . Marion watched them the entire time . Hisan found it amusing .

They all sat in a folding chair , silently watching the waves along the water and enjoying the loving breeze .

"Hisan you know this is the day momma and Cavin died." Brooklyn spoke .

"I was just thinking of that . I just didn't want to bring it up if you wasnt willing to talk about it." Hisan said in his husky voice .

"Do you blame me?" Brooklyn asked him .

"I did once upon a time but no , not anymore." He said honestly .

"Sometimes I still feel her presence and smell her favorite perfume." She admitted .

"Me too." Hisan smirked .

"Y'all are weird." Tavion added .

They chuckled .

"We love you momma." Brooklyn smiled into the sky .

"After everything I been through , I couldn't stay mad . I was once bitter but not anymore . You're probably not proud of my actions but I thank you . I became strong because of you honestly . Even though you're not with me , us anymore , I know you're still looking down on us. You the real MVP!" Brooklyn points to the sky .

Hisan laughed . "If it wasn't for you momma , I wouldn't never knew how to love a woman. Arielle is everything to me. My son and my future baby girl" He smiled to himself .

"I wouldn't even dare try to love someone after what I put you guys through but I had to sit and think for awhile . I can't hold off on love because my love is my babies." I looked to Hisan , Tavion and Marion . She then thought of Bracen , Brione and Ba'Mier .

"You're the best momma." She smiled "Because along with you and my loves , y'all taught me how to love truly."

Love TrulyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ