"What do you want to know about me? You know most of the important informations about me, I don't think there is anything you dont know"

"Well, you' re wrong, those are your past. I want to know the real you, what you like and stuffs like that"

"You know the last person that was interested in such information about me got killed, I don't want that to occur again"

" no, I don't think so, it just the real you, plus you dont know if I can fight taekwondo so am save"

" how about we start from the basis? What is your best food"

She smiled before answering " I don't have a best food, I eat anything sweet, but I think I love bananas a lot but that is not a food is it?"

"Okay mine is garri and groundnuts, especially if there is chilled water and sugar, I can take it every morning"

"What! garrri, I thought you were going to say one of the local dishes, most men loves local dishes especially pounded yam or amalanext question"

Ed noticed that her mood has changed again, and talking seems to be one of her hobbies if she sees someone to talk with and that smile when she talks he would do anything to make sure it stays there.

" alright next question, emmmmm, your favourite colour"

" well another shocker, I don't have a beat color I think I like them all as long as they are fine,you?"

"Well that is odd, coming from a lady, I like green and maybe grey and black"

The traffic has started moving now and Ed was thinking of what questions to ask her
" what is your greatest fear, and what motivates you" He hoped he had not touched a soft spot and was afraid that she might not answer when she began to take her time in answering the next questions.

" you dont have to answer them you know, my greatest fear is that I will disobey God or fall beyond expectations and not meet up to standard, and what motivates me is...... Well I don't know I just want to do God's will and love him every day but I fall short what are your hob......, " Bright interrupted what he was saying

" my greatest fear is my son dying, most people I love or close to me die, I don't know what will happen to me if he dies, my son, he motivates me to wake up, sleep, work, put on a smiling face, be strong, he is all I have"

" am jealous you know, you have what motivates you, I don't even have. And you do a great job with Jake at times I wonder how you cope because a little boy like him can be an handful "

" I have being thinking what challenges to you get as a counselor, I mean the job is not an easy job and the mood I met you on the first day I met you says the work is just more than listen to people tell you about their pathetic life"

Ed laughed out loud again this time a bit longer " you are curious aren't you? KT can be tedious at times, especially when you are dealing with young ladies,some grow soft and begin to like me, some even tell me that love me, they start to depend so much on me, and that doesn't help the work"

Ed laughed again " you know some even try to seduce me, not that am not always tempted,you know am not made of stick and blood flows through me, that is why I make sure my door isnt always locked for situations like that, the devil is always up to something "

" well, is not that you ugly or something, you are a fine man and nice, ladies will find you attractive "  wow this is the second time she has commented on his looks all in one night.

" don't worry, I know for sure that you ate attractive, and beautiful, you may not believe me but am lucky that you even decided to allow me drive you home, we dont have to drive with beautiful ladies every time " he said winking at her.

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