When he stood up from the bed after satisfying his male egotistic urge. He just laughed and move towards me his calloused hand holding my cheeks and his breathe hot on my face. He had that stupid grin as if he had won a lottery or something. He then laughed again and looked at me with disgust and said "you will be good not only for business but also for satisfying my urges, I will make sure of that, you know that is what the female sex was created for anyways, you feisty little thing"

I was crying and wallowing in self pity as the door closed and he went out.

As I was growing I began to understand that men were brutally wicked. I became determined and as I grew up I was in for more experience in my life"

After the encounter I was taking into the basic school, trust me it wasn't like the normal school we all know, although mistress made sure that all her ladies could speak a bit of English and we were able to write basic English and this was for business purpose, and won't be cheated.

What the school comprises mainly was how to dress, seduce,talk in ways that turns a man on, how to bargain for your shift, how to steal money, different kinds of men and what they want. We were even kept in classes and promoted according to his the male counterparts wanted your attention on their bed.

LOVING THE RAPIST CHILDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang