Chapter 40- Graduation

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Tris P.O.V

I wake up to Christina shaking me awake.

"What do you want" I ask sitting up slowly. she smiles and screams,

"Its graduation day!" She screams "We get out of school a month before all the under-classmen." She says smiling. I get up and follow her to my closet. She grabs the dress I bought for today, some jewelry, and shoes. I change into my dress and follow her to my desk. She pulls out her makeup and starts applying it to my face.

Once she is done she changes into her dress and does her makeup. I look at my phone and see I'm in a group chat.

Group chat with:

Uri - Chrissy - Willy - Lynn pie - Shaun - Mar - Ze - Number 4

Guys, my Mom is wondering if we are going to do pictures before or after graduation- Shaun

Let's do it before- Lynn pie

Guys, come to my house in 10 minutes for pictures- Number 4

okay, have your parents drive you though, otherwise a bunch of cars will be left there- Willy

See you then- Chrissy

End of group chat

I shut off my phone and go to my closet to grab my purse. once I grab it we go downstairs. Then we hear honking outside. We go over to the door and open it. I see Hanna and Will in front and Uri and Zeke in back. We walk out to the car and squeeze in back.

"You girls ready for this?" Hanna asks.

"I guess so" I say. She drives over to Four's house and I thank her as we get out. We walk up to the door and knock. Shauna answers the door.

"Oh my gosh! You guys look great!" she screams. we follow her into the kitchen where everyone else is. We all stand around the counter.

"Wait are we taking pictures now?" Zeke asks.

"Yeah, lets go do that." Shauna says. We grab our phones and Hanna and 4's mom come out with their cameras. We take a bunch of pictures before we leave for graduation.

When we get there we go to the table to get our cap and gowns. All the parents go and sit down. We get into alphabetical order in some of the rows. I look down the row and see Uri and Zeke arguing about something.

"Alright let's start this" the principal says standing in front. "We are going to have some staff speak and then our valedictorian. First up, Ms. Kent"

I zone out during the 5 staff speakers the have. The principal goes to the front again. "Now our valedictorian, Will Hayes." We all cheer as he walks up to the podium.

"Okay, um. I apologize in advance, I suck at speeches, but I gave my best effort so, here we go. people usually have very mixed feelings about high school. Some love it, others couldn't wait for this day to happen. Personally I'm sad this is ending."

"You can't just stay in high school your whole life. You have to start a new chapter in your life. It doesn't matter if your dreams come true if you spend your whole life wanting something else. I wish the best for you all and I hope you had as great of a time as I did." he says. We all clap as he walks off the podium and back to his seat.

A few more teachers talk then they start calling people up for their diplomas. A bunch of people go before they call me.

"Tris Prior" He says. I walk over to the stage and shake hands with him. He gives me my diploma and walk off the stage where everyone else is. I run over to Chris and hug her. Once everyone has their diplomas the principal turns to us.

"Please turn your tassels to the left." he pauses "Ladies and gentleman, I present to you the gradating class of 2015!" he yells. We all throw our hats into the air and it look super cool. I look around and see everyone looking up. I smile and try to catch my hat as it falls.

Once I grab my hat I feel hands wrap around my waist. I turn around and see Uriah. I smile and give him a kiss.

"Oh my god! Do you guys ever take your hands off of each other" I hear Zeke yell. I blush like crazy and give Uri a kiss on the cheek making him laugh. Zeke lets out an exasperated sigh and walks away.

We all walk to where we said we would meet our parents. They are all standing there talking. I look around and don't see my foster parents, I see my Mom and Caleb. I run over to them and hug my mom.

"Tris, I have to tell you something" She says "We are moving back here so you can move back with us!" she says. I smile up at her. "Also, this is yours. Open it when we get home." She says and I nod.

We all pile into various cars and drive to the pizza place. We have to get two tables to fit us all. We have dinner and talk for about an hour. Once we are done we get into the cars again and Hanna drops us off at the house Mom bought. I text Jill and tell her I'm moving back in with my mom. She texts back a minute later saying she understands nut that they will miss me and I can get my stuff anytime.

I walk around the house and see it is pretty similar to our old one. I walk up to what will be my room when I have my stuff and sit on the ground. I pul out the letter Mom gave my. On the front of the envelope it says Tris. I open it up,


I know you may still be mad at me for the things I've done in the past, but I hope you can move on. I would like to meet with you and try to form a relationship again. Veronica (my wife) says it would be the best for both of us. Why don't you and Caleb come for dinner on Thursday the 7th. Our address is on the envelope.

Hope to see you then,


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