Chapter 31- The Proposal

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Tris P.O.V

"Uri wait," I say but he is already walking away. I put my head on the table. "Ugh"

"Who was that?" Troy asks. He is a friend I had in California that is visiting.

"My boyfriend, or I guess ex-boyfriend now." I say. Looking up at him. He frowns a bit.

"I hope this isn't my fault." He says. I shake my head.

"No, I'll just talk to him tonight." I say. I look at my phone to check the time. "oh, I gotta go, I'll see you later though." I say.

I get up grab my bag and walk out to my car. I get in and drive home. I get home and walk in the front door.

"Hello?!" I yell "Anyone home?!" I yell. I walk into the kitchen and see a note.

We are at Grandmas for the weekend. Sorry we left without you, she was put in the ER and we had to go immediately. Please don't throw a big party while we are gone.

- Mom, Dad, Justin, and Emma

I put the note down and go into the living room. I plop down on the couch and turn on the tv.

I turn it to the movie channel. Big Hero 6 is on. I watch the movie and try to ignore the fact that Uriah and I broke up.

I grab my phone and check my notifications. Nothing. I try calling him but he doesn't answer. I text him

Please let me explain- T

Why should I- U

It's not what it looked like I swear- T

No- U

Uri ❤️ has left the chat

I turn off my phone and lay down. I start to cry thinking it's all over. I end up crying myself to sleep.

{ Time lapse ~ Next day }

I wake up to my phone vibrating next to my head. I sit up, realizing I'm still oh the couch, and grab my phone. Chris is calling me.

(Bold- Tris | Italics- Christina)

Tris! Did you and Uriah really break up?
Ya, we shouldn't have though
What do you mean?
I was with an old friend and Uriah saw and thought we were on a date
Oh, that sucks
I know. I gotta get ready. I'll see you at school
K, bye

I get up and go up to my room. I shower and put on yoga pants and a baggy shirt. I put on a little make up and put my hair in a messy bun.

I go back downstairs and skip breakfast. I get into my car and drive to school.

I walk straight to my locker and straight to first hour. I don't talk to or look at anyone.

I'm quiet through all my classes until lunch. Chris and I walk down to the cafeteria.

"Hey you haven't been talking much. You need to talk at lunch to show Uriah you're over him" Chris says. I shake my head no.

"I'm not over him though. I want to be back with him. It killed me to even look at him in classes today, I can't talk to him." I say.

"Well if you want to be back with him you have to talk to him and explain" Chris says. I nod my head.

"Yah, I know" I reply.

We get to the lunch room and get our food. I sit down next to Chris since we are the first ones there.

The rest of the group slowly arrives. Uriah comes and sits on the other side of the table.

The group looks between us with confused looks, except for Chris and Zeke.

"Did something happen between you two?" Shauna asks. I look over at Uriah but he is just looking down.

I get up and run out. I run to the hallway outside the lunchroom and sit against the wall. I pull my knees up to my chest and put my head down.

I hear the door to the lunch room open. I feel someone next to me. They nudge me with their elbow but I ignore them. They poke me.

"Trissy" I hear them whisper. I look up and see Zeke.

"Don't call me that." I say.

"Look, I know what happened with you and Uri. Why did you do it?" Zeke asks.

" I didn't cheat. I was with a friend from California that was visiting." I say. I put my head back down. "I just wanna be alone." I say.

I hear Zeke sigh and get up. I hear him walk away, but not to the lunch room. A few minutes later someone is standing in front of me. I look up and see my music teacher Tori.

"Are you okay Tris?" She asks. I shrug. "Well, I was wondering if you would help me out with something."

"Ya, what is it?" I ask her.

"I was wondering if you would sing a song to raise money for the school. You would do one song alone and one in a duet." She asks.

"Ya, that would be fun. Could I choose the song?" I ask. She nods. "I'll do it then"


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