Chapter 17- Suspicions

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Uriah P.O.V

"I think I know who did it" I say.

"Who do you think it is?" The officer asks me.

"Well, it could of been Peter" I say, looking at Zeke. The officer shakes his head.

"Peter Christenson?" He asks. I nod my head. "No, we have an officer following him 24/7" he says "any other ideas?" He asks. I shake my head no. "Well then you can go" he says.

We walk out of the kitchen and say bye to Tris's mom, Chris, and Lynn. We go out to Zeke's car and he drives home. When we get there everyone has left. I go to my room and sprawl out on my bed.

"You okay?" Zeke asks me. I shake my head no. "Get some rest, you're going to need it." I change and lay back down. I fall asleep within a minute.

Tris P.O.V

When I wake up I'm in a room with no windows. I'm sitting in the middle of the room. There is a bed in one corner and a fridge in another. There is stairs leading up to a door. The room is fairly small. The door at the top of the stairs opens.

Zeke P.O.V

{time skip ~ 2 weeks}

I'm seriously worried for Uri. He's barely come out of his room. He only comes out when we force him to and for school. We're at school right now. We are at lunch and everyone is talking except for Uri. We all look over at him and he's staring into space.

When lunch is over I go to my next class. Uri is supposed to be in this class but he isn't. I ask the teacher to go to the bathroom. I walk to Uri's locker.  I find Uri sitting at his locker crying. I sit down next to him and pat his back. "Don't worry, they'll find her" i say.

"What if they don't?" he asks. "What if they never find her?"

A/N I'm like literally crying while writing this. Next update will be soon!

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