Chapter 23- Paintball

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Tris P.O.V

We all pile into 2 cars and drive to the arena. We line up to pay and Uri tries to pay for me. itry to refuse, but he cuts me off.

"I'm allowed to pay for my girlfriend." Uriah says making eye contact with me the whole time. I blush as he hands the worker the money. We get the guns and paint, then go ino the arena.

The boys go to one side of the arena and us girls go to the other side. The buzzer goes off and we begin.

Christina runs out from behind the barrier and shoots Zeke and Will before being shot by 4. They all sit on the bench. Marlene and Shauna charge and shoot Zac and are shot by Uri and 4.

It's Lynn, Uri, 4 and me left. Lynn jumps up and shoots 4. Uri is now by himself.

I sneak around so I'm hidden but looking at Uri. I take a step and my shoe makes a loud 'clang' sound. Uri looks back and sees me.

I duck back behind the barrier. I hear him walking towards me. He pops his head in, making me jump. I take my gun and shoot him.

"Shot by my own girlfriend" Uri says putting a hand over his heart in mock sadness. I laugh at him and run over to Lynn. We high five.

Everyone leaves the arena and we go to Will's house. We sit in a circle and play Candor.

"Christina, what's your worst fear?" Shauna asks. She takes her shirt off.

"Marlene, how did you meet Zac?" Chris asks.

"I was at this party. One of my friends from my old school was introducing me to everyone. Then he introduced me to Zac" Marlene says.

"Christina, what's your worst fear?" Marlene asks.

"Why does everyone ask that? You know, I'll just tell you. Moths" Chris says. Will puts an arm around her.

"That's my girl, tough as cotton balls" Will says making Chris laugh.

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