Chapter 20- Questions

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Christina P.O.V

I wake up to my alarm. I grab it and throw it across the room. I get up and take a shower. I put on a red shirt, jeans, and red heels. I go downstairs and eat breakfast. I get into my car and see my little sister Audrey.

"What do you want?" I ask. She smiles.

"Mommy said you have to drive me to school." She says smiling.

"Fine" I say as I start the car. I drive her to the elementary school and drop her off. Then I go back across town to the high school.

When I get there it's 8:05, school starts in 5 minutes. I run to my locker, almost falling a few times. I get my stuff and make it into class right before class starts.

"Glad you joined us ms.jhonson. Care to have a seat?" Mrs.Mathews asks. I nod and take my seat next to Tris. Tris is trying to hold back a laugh. I elbow her in the side.

"Ow, I feel the love" she says sarcastically. I just smile at her and get out my notes. Once class is over I run to my locker leaving Tris behind. I open my locker and a note falls out. I pick it up. It says,


Go to the auditorium at 9 o'clock

~ Tris

I look at the clock, It's 8:55 now. I grab my stuff and go to the auditorium. When I get there no one is there. I look around and see light moving under the curtain. I walk up to the stage. I look back and Tris walks in.

"What are we doing here?" she asks walking towards me.

"I don't know, you told me to come here." I say, confused.

"No, you told me to come here." She says. Now I am very confused.

"Ladies, ladies, we asked you to come here." Uriah says as him and Will walk out on to the stage.

"Please, take a seat." Will says. Tris and I sit down.

Tris P.O.V

The front curtain closes and there is muffled talking behind it. We hear them shuffling around. There's a loud clunk and I hear Uri curse which makes me laugh. The curtain opens and there is balloons everywhere. I hear Chris gasp beside me. Will walks on stage followed by Uri. They both have roses.

"Will you go to prom with me, or us" they say in unison. I smile and look at Chris and she's smiling at me. We stand and go up to the stage. We crawl on and go up to the boys. We look at each other.

"Yes!" We scream at the same time. Balloons drop onto us and Uri smiles at me. I go onto my toes and press my lips to his. He wraps his arms around my waist and mine go around his neck. We hear someone clear their throat. We pull back and see Chris and Will standing there.

"Hate to break you 2 apart but class starts in about a minute." Will says. We run down off the stage and grab our stuff. We run to 2nd period and make it in right after the bell rings. We quietly sit in our seats in the back next to Shauna.

"Why are you guys late?" She asks when we sit down. I look at Chris, motioning for her to tell.

"We're going to prom!" She whisper squeals.

A/N next chapter is prom!

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