Chapter 27- Meeting The Family

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Tris P.O.V

I wake up to my mom shaking me awake.

"Tris, honey, get up. You're moving today" she says. I slowly sit up and look around my empty room.

I get up and put on jeans and a blue tank top. I slip on my blue converse and go into the bathroom.

I put on some simple makeup. I put my hair into a side braid and walk downstairs. Downstairs all the furniture is gone. There is boxes everywhere.

"How did you pack everything so fast?" I ask.

"We had a company come last night and this morning. All the big furniture is in a van." Caleb explains. I nod and grab one of the muffins.

"Tris, the mom will be coming in 20 minutes so be ready" my mom says. I nod at her and eat my muffin. I hug my mom and Caleb goodbye.

"I'll call and text you." I tell them. They nod and walk out the door to their car. I wave to them and the movers as they drive off.

I walk back inside and get my 2 bags ready. I set them by the door and walk around my house. I make sure I haven't forgotten anything and walk to the door. I take my bags and sit on the front porch. I see a car drive up and a lady in about her 30's get out. She walks up to me.

"You're Beatrice right?" She asks.

"It's just Tris" I say she nods.

"Well then, come with me and we'll go to your new house" she says. "By the way, my name is Jill" Jill drives to the other side of town (me following in my car). We pull up to what looks like a really big house.

A man walks out the front door and comes out to me.

"Could I take one of your bags?" He asks. I smile at him and hand him one of my bags.

"I'm Tris" I say holding out my hand.

"Robert, you can call me dad though if you want" he says shaking my hand. I nod at him and smile. "Wanna meet your new siblings?" Robert asks. I nod and Jill and I follow him inside.

He leads me into what I guess is the living room and says i can sit down. I set my bag on the floor and sit on a couch.

"Hey everyone, Tris is here. Why don't you come down and meet her?" Robert yells up the stairs. There is footsteps coming down the stairs and 2 people walk in with Robert.

"I'm Tris" I say.

"I'm Justin" A boy about a year older than me says. I wave at him. A little girl that looks about 3 years old runs up and hugs my leg. I look down and laugh at her.

"My name is Emma and I'm this many" she says holding up 3 fingers to me. I laugh at her.

"Let me show you your room" Justin says. I pick up Emma and my bags and follow him upstairs.

He leads me up the stairs and down the hallway.

My room is at the end. I walk in and my room is awesome. It's a big room with black walls. one one wall is a walk in closet and a door that leads into a bathroom. On another is a dresser.

My bed is on a little platform in the corner and there is a small chandelier hanging over it. On the last wall is a giant window with a desk in front of it. Hanging on the wall is a frame that you can put your pictures in like a collage. I smile over at Jason.

"This is awesome" I say smiling. He shrugs.

"I didn't know what you liked so I kinda guessed" he says.

"You did this?" I ask. He shrugs.

"Most if it. My dad painted the walls but I did the rest." He says. I hug him.

"Thank you" I say

"It was nothing" he shrugs. I set down Emma.

"You wanna help me un-pack? " I ask her. she smiles excitedly at me and nods.

"I'll leave you two ladies alone" Jason says, walking out.

I put my bags on top of my dresser and open a bag. I put all my pajamas, shorts, and undergarments in there. I give Emma all my pictures to sort out or look at. She spreads them out all over the floor.

"Who's this?" She asks.

"That's my friend Christina" I say. She nods.

I go into my closet and put all my tops and pants in there. I put my laptop and school stuff in my desk. I put the makeup and face stuff that Christina forced me to buy in my bathroom. I walk out and see Emma still looking at my pictures. I smile at her.

"You like my pictures?" I ask. She nods.

"Who are all these people though." She asks.

"Well, they're my friends. That's Christina, Will, Malene, Zac, Shauna, Zeke, Four, Lynn, and Uriah my boyfriend" I say pointing to each person as I say their name. She smiles up at me.

"You have a boyfriend?" She asks. I smile and nod at her.

"Is it that hard to believe?" I ask smiling. She giggles and shakes her head no.

She helps me put all the pictures into the big frame and a few smaller ones. When were done it looks really cool. Emma leaves to go do something and I text Uri.

Text convo.

Hey- T

Hey, wassup?- U

Nothin much. Just setting up my new room- T

New room?- U

Ya, I just met my new family- U

Wait new family? Please explain this to me- U

Well my mom and Caleb moved but i didn't want to so I moved in with one of my moms friends. They seem really nice- T

Oh, okay- U

I gtg have dinner, bye- T

Bye- U

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