What's So Good About Picking Up The Pieces?

Start from the beginning

I unpacked the boxes and lifted furniture, hoping to tire myself mentally so I could just fall asleep somehow.

I settled the books in the book shelf when this bundle of papers came flying out and fell to the ground.

I had singed enough contracts in my life to know this is exactly one of them.

I sat on the ground, which was colder than I expected and flipped through the sheets only to realize it was the contract with Greg.


Missing him was really painful and it hurt a lot everytime I thought of him.

I scrolled through his number for a while but never really ended up calling him.

Thinking of the past was exhausting enough and I decide to call it a day and try to go to sleep.

Sleep come relatively easy but I woke up too often.

I woke up again at around what could've been 2:30am, it was that weird state between being sleepy but being awake and hardly being aware.

But the first thought I had was of Greg and I decided that I had enough of not talking to him.

In my awkward state I called him up and intently listened to the dial tone.


*Greg's pov*

I was in a deep sleep, as good as dead deep sleep when this slight rhythm slowly and slowly brought me back to the real world.

I realized that my phone was ringing and before it would wake up my wife I grabbed it and made a run for it.

I hit my toe on the dresser before I could leave and suppressed the reaction as I walked hurriedly out. I was definitely completely disorientated by now.

The phone was probably on the last ring now and I saw the name. Before it could stop itself, I rejected the call.

I saw the time and got even more confused. All I wanted now was to get back to bed.

I was walking back, still pretty unfazed when the ring started again, I walked back out this time down to the living room. I had a feeling he won't stop calling till I pick up.

I cleared my throat and picked up the call.

I waited for him to speak and after two seconds he did.

His voice said hello and that was enough to wake me up, more than his voice I had't heard in months, it was the sheer sadness I could sense in it.

"Hey Andy" is all I said.

Silence fell again.

I don't know if he had thought this through, whatever his plan was. I had no will to be hurt again if he called me with that intention.

"I-" He started.


"How are you?" He asked next.

Was he drunk again?

He didn't sound like it, this was getting confusing by the second.

"Andy, you do realize it's 2:30am?" I asked not caring if I sounded impatient.


"Greg, I miss you. Why don't we talk anymore?"

I was wide awake now.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I felt the anger rise in me.

"Wait what?" He said. It was hard to tell now who was more confused.

I counted up to ten before responding, calming myself.

"You texted me telling me to stay out of your life, never telling me why or how or what happened. You blocked me everywhere and now, now you're calling me at fucking 2:30am and talking like nothing fucking ever happened?"

I could've been calmer but fuck that shit.

"Wh-what? What are you talking about? When did any of this happen? I didn't do any of it, why would I? In fact I li-" He stopped mid-sentence.

"You what?"

"I-" he started, my curiosity was peaked for a second till he washed it over with a fumbling explanation.

"Listen to me, Greg. I don't know who did this but I can assure you I did not. I always liked talked to you and I would never do anything to hurt you. Please, you have to trust me on this."

He sounded worried and I felt like I had some reason to believe it but how else could randomly do this?

It was all to fishy and this small voice in my head told me not to trust him.

How had being close to him helped me anyway? He broke up with his girlfriend, I'm really distant from my wife. Hell, I cheated on her. This had to end.

I took a breath, this was not going to be easy but it had to be done.

"Alright but I think we're better off like this."

"Like what?" He asked me immediately.

"Like you know. Away. Not talking and not being in each other's lives."

"What?" He asked in almost disbelief.

"Yes. Just, it's better this way. Good luck with the album." I said to him, trying to bring the conversation to a close.

"You should sleep, have a good life, Andy. Goodbye." I quickly said the words and gave me two seconds to bid farewell.

"I-if that's what you want. I'-I'll be here still. Bye, Greg. Goodnight."

I heard his voice crack with the goodbye and ended the call. I kept the phone on the table like it was infected, went back to the room and just stared at the ground for a while.

There was still a lot of time to catch sleep though my mind was nothing but restless.

I walked into the bathroom and opened the cabinet, I popped a sleeping pill and went back to bed falling asleep.


I wanted to update before but I wasn't entirely sure if I liked where the story was going. Plus, longer chapter.

Also, considering the last chapter. I have no idea who Tori is, just made her up but I'd rather everyone hate this random character than one based on someone real. I know how easy people find it hate on Juliet or Lainey etc. So yeah c: Tori sucks.

Well, hope you liked the chapter ,comment and vote if you like ^~^

and remember, you just keep being you :3

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