Chapter One. The Beginning.

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*Embree's POV*

I woke up this morning to the sound of all my things being tossed and thrown across the room and I'm pretty sure tumbling down the stairs. I rolled over, snatching my phone off my crowded bedside table, or what used to be crowded, and held the light up at my face. 9:00am Australian time, i groaned and sat up, looking over to see my mom kneeled down by the closet and throwing things off the hangers on the floor and into a dinky suitcase. "What are you doing?!" I exclaimed, yanking off my bed sheets and jumping to her side. "Are you crazy? The whites go on this side!" I took clothes from her hands and started rearanging them. "Where are we going anyway?" I asked eventually as I calmed down, putting my clothes in how I always like them. My mom sighed next to me and when I actually looked over at her face, she had anger written all over it. "What's wrong?"

"Embree, we're not going anywhere." She rolled and sat on her butt, and kept helping me pack.

"So then what's all this for?" I asked, stopping now and looking at my stuffed bag and then up to my basically empty closet.

"You're out. I don't know where, or how you're getting there, but we can't keep you here anymore. You've become the deadbeat son we never wanted you to be and its too hard to watch anymore. We are NOT condoning it any longer." She leaned over and forced the zipper closed on the first bag, the stacked another ontop.

"I-I'm out?" I stammered, looking around at my room now, really noticing how much was missing. My posters were all gone, my clothes packed now, and the next bag for all my shoes my mom had lined up. My bed and mayjor fruniture parts were the only things left un touched.. For now anyways. "But why? I know what you mean, I guess, but it's not like I haven't been trying, the deal was I'd try!" I was raising my voice angerily, pushing myself upright and standing over her now. "Where's dad?" I demanded and she smirked hysterically at me.

"Oh no, your father will NOT have your back this time, this wasn't all my idea you know. You talk to him, you'll just ge a longer lecture." She shrugged and continued to pack. "Now it's your choice to help me out down here or not, but you're still out reguardless of your decision." She Humph'd at the end and was practically squishing my shoes! I groaned and ran downstairs to the computer and hurried to log on. I have to go somewhere? Well, I saved up money, we'll see where $500.33 gets me. I smirked as the dinosaur computer logged on in slow motion and finally pulled up the Internet. I went to Google and looked up flights from Australia to, anywhere. I was scrolling through the lists, having nothing catch my eye, till California came up. I breathed a sigh of relief and clicked it, seeing where the places they offered were. They had one that immediately caught my eye, LA. I bought and printed the ticket, and chose, since I had enough money, bought a first class ticket. Hey, I was getting kicked out, might as well enjoy some of it. I smiled and ran back upstairs, and my mom had left out clothes for me to change into and wear out. Thanks Bitch, they don't even really match.

"I'll shower, grab my guitar and luggage, and be out of your hair. Promise." I nodded and picked up the horrible brown skinny jeans and the red v-neck and jogged to the bathroom. My shower took literally fifteen minutes tops and to get dressed and to fo my hawk, (fo-hawk, haha get it?) too maybe twenty. I went back to my room, folding my ticket in my wallet and putting that and my passport in my back pocket. "Thanks mom." I rushed, taking my bags from her and walking out of my room and down the stairs to the front door. My dad was waiting down ther for me, and I couldn't believe it, really? You're kicking me out, but that's not good enough so you have to SEE me out. I moaned aggitated and dropped my bags to open the front door. "Bye dad." I mumbled, taking up my bags again when I felt his arms go around me and I froze. What the hell?

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