Chapter 6

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Dear Jimin,

Please don't starve yourself.


As much as I like you, I hate seeing you not eating.

You're beautiful just the way you are.

So beautiful.

I could go on looking at you forever, that's how beautiful you are.

You don't need to change.

Don't adjust to anyone's standards because you're you, and no one can change that.

It hurts me whenever I see tears in your eyes.

But you have to let it all out.

If you need to cry, don't keep it in.

I don't like seeing you break slowly, so if you're in pain, don't be afraid to let it all out, and just cry.

I'm here.

I'll lend you my shoulder for you to cry on if that makes you happy.

Don't waste your precious tears on them.

You're beautiful, Jimin, no matter what they say.

Please smile.

Please do.

With love,

Dear JiminOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant