Another Problem

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A/N - Sorry for not updating in a while, I have been busy guys.  Also I have a new story out 'The Wailing Lady In White' it is a mystery/thriller.

Anyways, again guys I am sorry for taking so long, and also because this chapter is short, but I like where it ends.


Rachel's POV

Derek kept his promise about staying until after breakfast, and left as soon as we had all finished eating. I walked back into my room, closed the door behind me and felt so alone. I took in a deep breath as a silent tear rolled down my face as I walked to my cell on my dresser. Pressing the call button on Dave's home phone, it was only him and his little brother now days. Their parents had been killed by vampires a few years back and that is what made Dave want to become a hunter in the first place. The phone was answered right before it went to voicemail. "Ray?"

"Hey kid, yeah its me."

"Do you know where Dave is? he said he was going to be back by this morning?" He sounded worried, and I can understand that. How do I tell him? Just do it as you always have Rachel.

"Dave is in the hospital, he should be fine, and I will be receiving a call from the doctor to know how he is soon, when that happens I will call you right after."

"What! HOw, wait what?"

"Calm down kiddo, trust me." I heard him breathe heavily on the end of the line as he was calming down, doing as I told him to."

"Okay, fine, but promise..."

"Promise, now I have to go take care of some business, go on about you day normally and call me if anything happens."

"Yeah, sure, see ya." I hung up as I sat down on my bed sighing. Placing my face into my hands knowing that things will be getting a bit hectic soon. Sighing again when my phone rang, it was Sarah.

"Hel..." I was cut off by sarah being frantic.

"They took him, Rachel, they took him!!!" She was shouted into the phone and I knew she had been crying.

"Sarah, I need you to calm down, and tell me what happened."

I heard her take one deep breath before she spoke again. "Ty was here and then these guys just showed up with guns, they shot him and took him."

I stood from bed, and made my way to the basement to start packing. "Sarah, everything will be fine, he can get out." I hung up on her as I finished throwing weapons into my bag, and putting some in hiding places on my body as well. Running back up the stairs I hollered for Marcus who was in front of me in a few seconds. "Rescue mission, you don't have to come, but if you stay here stay alert and take care of mom and Jake for me."

I pushed past him, and my arm was grabbed as he spun me around. "Don't do anything reckless Rachel." The look in his eyes was different from times before when he would help me with a mission. "I will take care of your mother and Jake, don't worry." He nodded and let me go as I ran out the door and into the car.

As I reached the end of the street, I jumped when Marcus appeared next to my car. "Change of plans. I am going with you."

"No way..."

But before I could fully protest against him coming with me he spoke above me. "Orders from your mother, sorry Rachel, but she wins." I grumbled under my breathe and then told him to hop in, and then I sped towards my job.

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