But then again, they probably wouldn't care, would they? No one cared what I did...

So I kept driving off into the dark, hoping that my fresh start in Monroe would allow me to forget this place, these people...

But then I quickly remembered Gerard's kiss.

...Did I want to forget?...


He was drunk...

He didn't mean it...

He didn't care...

Why would he?...

People like me don't find love. They just fall in love, but it's too late by the time they realize there's no one there to catch them.

-Gerard's POV-

I brought my hands to my head in frustration. What was with that girl? She obviously like it when I kissed her, I mean who wouldn't, so why stop me? What's with her and her fucking problem with damn beer? Like I get it, daddy was an alcoholic, but shit get over it!

I slid against the wall until I was sitting on the floor, a massive headache beginning to ripple through my brain; Brendon wasn't the only who who had four beers. The room around me looked blurry, but all I could think about was Beth. I'd kissed her. And she wanted more. The way she touched her lips; she wanted more. Maybe when she got back from her little temper tantrum, I could finally get what I wanted...

Her eyes though.

Damn. Every time I thought I knew what I wanted form her, I remembered her eyes. They fucking terrified me because they reminded me so much of my own...And I knew what happened to people who had that look in their eyes...I knew it too damn well.

So much of a person who was so close to giving up...

Why the hell did I care though? She's just Nathan's hot as hell little sister...

She's just-

I heard the door open and looked over, expecting to be Beth.


I looked at a glassy eyes Nathan holding a paper bag in one hand with Brendon next to him holding two six packs.

They stared at me for a couple of seconds before Nathan decided to speak.

"B-Beth?" He stuttered, more drunk than I thought he was.

"Went for a walk or some shit." I rubbed my temples, deciding to leave out the part where I'd kissed her. Nathan nodded, looking confused, but being too drunk to really process anything. Brendon put the beer on the kitchen counter before grabbing one and turning back with a dumbass grin on his face.

He'd always been that annoyingly happy drunk that wanted to go off and find the fucking sword in the stone and slay dragons and shit.

Me however-

All I knew was that I needed a beer. Or two. Or fuck it, an entire six at this point. Anything to try and erase Beth from my mind.

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