I Didn't Realize Things Would Only Get Worse From Here

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I wish I hadn't.

I stood looking at myself in a mirror directly over the sink. I looked terrible. My face was smeared with black mascara and dried tears. My right cheek was swollen at the top, and it was bruised at the top, under my eye. My hair was an absolute mess, and my mismatched sweatshirt and sweatpants did little more than complete my 'crazy person' look. I quickly turned in the sink, splashing my cheeks with water and rubbing, ignoring the slight stinging. I grabbed the towel hung at the right and rubbed, drying my face.

I looked back up at the mirror; atleast the mascara wasn't all over my face anymore, but Gerard was right, I didn't look fine at all.

I opened the door and walked back to where Gerard was standing. He tilted his head slightly.

"You know, attempting to look fine on the outside doesn't mean you're fine on the inside." He finished his coffee, staring into my eyes.

That was a strange comment. I didn't even know this boy, who seemed like a jerk, and now he was trying to play therapist with me.

"It doesn't matter when nobody cares, now d-does it?" I crossed my arms, looking at the ground. "B-besides-" I started again, not giving him a chance to respond to my last comment. "I n-need to pack my things."

"Than I'll go with you." He said after awhile, picking up his keys.

"I don't n-need anyone to go with me!" I tried to sound angry, but my voice came out as weak and sad as it really was.

"I'm just doing what Nathan asked me to do princess. Do you think I want to spend my day with the likes of a hot mess like you?" He said sharply before smiling. "A real hot mess." He smirked, making me want to disappear into the ground. I didn't know if he was flirting with me, messing with me, or both, but I really wanted to turn invisible right then. Why would Nathan ever leave me with this boy? "Either way," he continued, taking a step closer to me, "Wherever you go, I go. I mean what's the worst that could happen? It's just for a day."

I realized that I wasn't going to get out of this, no matter how badly I wanted to. Wherever Nathan was, I hope it was a good enough reason to leave your little sister alone with a complete stranger. Gerard saw that I had nothing else to say, so he walked towards the door and opened it, gesturing out. "Ladies first!" He winked again. I shuffled out the door,  and was relieved to have fresh air on my face. I closed my eyes and breathed it in. I looked back and saw Gerard locking the apartment, but I was a bit surprised. This was a nice place; how did someone like Nathan and his friends afford a place like this? I didn't dwell too much on the question as Gerard pointed the keys at the car Brendon had driven yesterday, unlocking it. Gerard got in the car, but I sat in the back instead of the passenger seat, earning myself an amused eyebrow raise from Gerard.

"Are you sulking now, sugar?" He taunted, making me want to disappear even more. The truth was I just felt really weird having a guy I didn't even know drive me around. He shook his head after I didn't answer before starting the car. "Alright, where to?" He asked, glancing at me through the front seat mirror.

"Home." I whispered.

He frowned and nodded before pulling out of the parking lot, getting on the road. I didn't know where we were, so I didn't know how long it'd take to get back home, but I wasn't going to stay anyway. The only reason I was going back was to pack everything I'd planned for college and to leave this place behind. I was going to call Eric and hope he'd let me spend the rest of the summer with him before school started back up again. The only other alternative seemed to be staying with Nathan which, right now, I wasn't liking at all.

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