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A/N hope you enjoy!😊

Chapter 46

One month later...

"Babe, do you like this one?" Lauren watched as Camila held up the fifth baby outfit as they stopped by baby gap through the mall.

"Camz baby don't you think we should wait for a bit on this stuff..."

Camila looked at her with an raised eyebrow so she knew then she needed to finish her words.

"I mean at least until we find out you know what we're having and all."

Camila shook her head, "no I don't want to know what we're having. I want it to be a surprise." She slowly stared back to look through the clothes not caring that Lauren was just staring at her like she had lost her mind.

"What no Camila, I don't think that's a good Idea at all. Like how will we even be able to prepare for this then."

Hearing Lauren state the obvious right now only made Camila more upset.

"You know what Lauren how about we just don't talk about this right now, and let's just go get the kids from the girls." She said and put the clothes down before leaving the store.

And Lauren filled while shaking her head and mumbling things under her breath, not wanting Camila to here and start and argument. Because that's the last thing they needed right now.


After a long and awkwardly silent ride, with Camila still upset and Lauren not wanting to say anything else to make matters worse. She had finally pulled up into the girls driveway.

"About time." Camila muttered and didn't waist anytime to hop out of the car and go up to their apartment door.

Lauren shook her head and got out filling behind Camila trying to just remind herself that she can't help it... It's only the pregnancy hormones.

"Mommy! Momma!" Both kids yelled at Camila as she walked through the door.

"Awe hey guys, i missed you too. Did you have fun?" Camila asked and sat down on the couch with them right behind her.

"Uh huh, we had lots of fun!"

"Yeah we played outside, ate ice cream-"

"And we played with mwax and watched movies, it was so fun mommy!" Logan said while wrapping his small arms around her as Brooklyn snuggled up close to her side.

"Wow are they always like that?" Ally asked

Camila shrugged and smiled while looking down at the two. "Most of the time."

"Their so cute, but when did she start to you know..?" Normani asked and Camila knew what she was trying to say without actually saying it.

"Umm about a week ago... I was worried at first but  everything's fine now." Camila said as she rubbed the top of Brooklyn's head.

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