Family full of surprises ( Chapter 38 )

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Chapter 38


Camila walked slowly over to the table and say down causing Lauren to look up. "Hey." Lauren spoke up fist. "Hey." The waitress came and took their orders and brought their drinks back and then they started to talk. "So.. You wanted to talk?" Camila nodded "yeah I did, umm I just wanted to say that I think it's good if we're at least on some sort of speaking terms. You know do what's best for Logan, he rally doesn't need to see us fighting and arguing all the time."

Lauren nodded, "I understand and I'm glad that you want that but what does this mean for us.. As you know a couple?"



"I- I don't know, as of right now I wouldn't say yes and I wouldn't say no. I mean the way you treated me really hurt so it's just going to take some time." Camila said and Lauren slowly nodded, "I guess I should of expected that response huh?" Camila shrugged "I don't know what else you could have expected from me."

Lauren chuckled at her wife and looked down. "Well while we're here can we just talk, you know and catch up." "I don't see why not." Camila said and shrugged while taking a sip of her drink.

Lauren just stared at her for a second not really knowing why but she couldn't take her eyes off of her. All she knew for sure was that she had made a huge ass mistake. She was taken out of her thoughts by seeing Camila waving and snapping in front of her face.

That's when she realized she must have been staring longer than she thought.

"Oh-uh yeah?"

"You've just been staring at me for some time now, and I thought you wanted to catch up but if not I'll just.." Camila said slowly while starting to get up out of the booth but jumped when she felt a hand grab her's.

"No. No you're not leaving, damn Camila just sit down." Lauren said while raising her voice and hitting her fist on the table making a few people stare. Camila was really starting to worry about her and her mood swings, they were getting scary.

Camila carefully put her hand on Lauren's shoulder, "Lauren you need to calm down. Have you been to the doctor about your mood swings, I think you need to get that checked out, seriously."

"No don't need a fucking doctor Camila I'm fine and I'm not crazy so don't try and make me out to be, Ali want to do is talk to you about my son and catch up on how everything's been."

"Ok, Lauren alright. I'm not saying that your crazy, that's not what I'm saying all I'm saying is that you may need to be on some medication." Lauren just rolled her eyes and looked down. "Can you just drop it, please."

Camila just sighed but nodded, "so how's my Logan?" Lauren asked giving Camila a small smile. The younger woman shrugged. "You know he's fine."

Lauren smiled to herself and nodded, "that's good, i miss him." "He misses you too Lauren." Lauren signed and ruffled her hands through her hair.

"Camila you know it doesn't have to be like this." Lauren said and tried to put her hand on Camila's hand but was surprised when she pushed it away. "Oh wow really Lauren, it doesn't have to be like this, why in the hell are you telling me because the last time I checked you did this to us! Not me or Logan, you so don't you dare tell me how this could be!"

Camila yelled and picked up her purse and car keys leaving the table not caring that people where staring at her she just continued to walk out the restaurant.

As Camila left Lauren cursed to herself and looked up to see people still looking at her and she felt her anger boil even more. "And what the fuck are you people looking at huh!? Damnet!" Lauren slammed her hand down on the table once more than got up and stormed out of the restaurant.

She seen that Camila was typing on her phone and was just now pulling off so she knew this was her time. Lauren didn't care if this made her a creep, she was going to find out where Camila was staying even if she had to follow her.


While Lauren tried to stay back as far as she could she couldn't help but notice another car that was trying to pass by her. It was really creepy to her because she had no idea what they were trying to do.

So she pulled over to the side and the car sped up and followed right up behind Camila's car. Now that was it for Lauren.

She sped up and followed right behind the car. She couldn't believe someone was following Camila in broad daylight. Even though she was doing it right now but no one else but her had the right to do it because Camila is still her wife, she belongs to no one else.

As Camila was driving she this time was for sure that someone was following her and it looked like the same car as before.

She turned around into a small empty parking lot and pulled out her phone. All Camila now wanted to do was call Someone because she was feeling really uncomfortable. But before she had anytime to do so there was a knock on her car window that caused her to jump.

Camila was shocked at who she turned to see..

"Hello babe, I've been looking for you. I even sent you a few letters, gosh your just a hard girl to get a hold of."

"Oh my gosh.....Lainey"

"That's me baby." Lainey said with a slick smile



Hey guys sorry for the long wait but I've just had a lot of things going on right now so I'm sorry for any mistakes, and sorry it's not the longest chapter but it's something.

- But anyway as always let me know what you all think and I'll do my best to update soon. -Also did you guys expect Lainey?

I love you guys very much.


Family full of surprises(Camren)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz