Family full of suprises ( Chapter 7)

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Part 7

"Come on baby I said I was sorry so why are you still so mad at me?" Lauren had asked the same question since they had came back from breakfast. She'd tried everything she could think of.

"And I told you that I wasn't mad." Camila stated calmly walking into the living room taking a seat on the couch.

"Well seems like it too me I'm just so confused if your not upset or mad at me then why'd you act the way you did?" Lauren asked seriously raising her eyebrow.

Camila could not believe what she was hearing not only was Lauren not being understanding but she was also being very clueless and inconsiderate.

"Why did I act the way I did-, you know what Lauren I refuse to talk more about this until you figure it out I mean it's not that hard but now your trying to blame it on me, it's not going to work like that. Get a clue Lauren."

Camila said as she stomped past her up the stairs to go and check on logan and Sofi.

Camila wasn't mad she had told the truth, but she was hurt. And some might say that it's stupid but she was simply hurt by Lauren's and the fact that Lauren didn't even notice that she was sad about not being pregnant.

Camila had invited the girls over to the house since she and Lauren weren't really talking at the moment and she wanted to tell them what was going, she just really needed some advice.


"Hey guys come on in." Camila said as she opened the door to see three familiar faces.

"So how you been mila?" Ally was the fist to ask

"I've been good even though you just seen me the other day." Camila said with a giggle

"So where's Lauren at?" Normani asked looking around as if she would see her

"Oh she took the kids out for ice cream."

"Ok so now what happened between you two?" Dinah asked

"Ok well we went out for breakfast the other morning and I got a phone call from the doctors, it was the test results.-"

"Oh my gosh what were they?" All of the girls rushed out.

"Well if you would let me finish.., anyway the results came back negative."

"Isn't that a good thing?" Dinah asked her with a confused expression.

"Yeah I guess but you guys didn't see how she reacted, it was like if the results would have been different then she would have been disappointed. She was literally jumping up and down when I told her it was negative I was embarrassed." Camila admitted putting her head in hands.

"We understand mila but you need to explain this to your wife, she'll understand too." Ally said while rubbing the younger women's back the rest just agreed.

"Momma why you eat my ice cream?" Camila raised up knowing that Lauren was home.

"Baby I told you I didn't do it."

"Uh hu momma, and mommy said that lying bad!" Logan than took off towards Camila and jumped on her while hugging her, "right mommy lying bad right?" He asked staring up into her eyes "sure is babe and you should never do it." Camila told him and kissed his nose.

"See momma I told you lying bad, dat mean you bad girl momma! Dat another no no!" He said turning around to look up at Lauren who was walking to sit in the chair by the couch.

"I'm sorry for being bad logan, hey girls!" Lauren said waving at all of them before picking logan up off of Camila's lap and swinging him around in the air causing him to laugh loudly.

" hey aunties!" Logan said happily hugging all of them.

"Hey logy bear!" They all said each giving him little kisses and compliments.

"Ugh why do people keep calling my son that?!" Lauren complains.

"Well we really should be going now-"

"No I not want you to go I just got here and you leave already." Logan said shrugging his little shoulders and pouting.

"Awwe babe you want to come with?" Normani asked while rubbing his head.

"Yes of course I do aunt mani crazy qwuestion!" Causing everyone to laughing.

"Ok bud but you have to ask your momma and mommy first." Dinah said

"Mommy?" He said looking up at Camila with his big green-brown eyes she just couldn't say no "absolutely baby, but you have to promise to be good." "I will mommy I promise."

"What do you say momma?" Logan said going over to Lauren she laughed at him noticing he was trying to sound like her before, "well looking into those eyes how could I say no." She said kissing his head "be good babe." She whispered to him and he nodded his head.

"I will momma!" The girls then took him upstairs to get him changed and to get some of his toys because it was getting pretty late.

"So you guys are going to keep him over night?" Camila asked as they came back down stairs. "Yeah we got him and that way you two can talk." Camila just sighed.

She bent down to his hight "ok baby I'll see you tomorrow morning ok?" "Ok mommy! I love you." He said smiling. " Awwe baby I love you to." She said kissing him softly on his small lips.

"Momma it's your turn!" Logan said jumping onto Lauren's lap making her smile.

"Is it now, well goodnight bud I'll see you in the morning and I love you very much." " I love you too momma" Logan for some reason whispered in her ear and rubbed his nose against hers causing the girls to 'Awwe' even Camila.

"Ok by guys thanks for this, see you in the morning love you." Lauren yelled out the door.



Ok guys the next chapter will be much better I promise, just wanted to give something a little extra because I felt like I owed you guys one so here it is hope you enjoyed it! If not let me know what I should do to improve it, thanks! 👍

-Kaylin Marie- 💋

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