Family full of suprises ( Chapter 13 )

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-Relieved- that's exactly how Camila felt knowing that her son was finally home and safe.

She could sleep through the early mornings without waking herself up wondering were her child could be. Or even worse not knowing if he was alive or not, nothing was harder on her then that.

But she still had to know who it was that had him. Because even though it was over a peace of her could never be settled until she knew.


With all the things that had happened that past night Lauren couldn't get to sleep, so instead she just watched Camila fall asleep. After she refused because Lauren didn't want to go to sleep and she didn't 'want to leave her up alone'.

But Lauren finally convinced her to get some sleep. Soon with Lauren just staring at her wife, she began thinking about everything and how she was going to tell Camila.

She knew she should have already told her but she didn't want to ruin the moment with Logan. Because they had just hit him back and she just couldn't tell her about Austin and Kenzie then it would probably be too much.

'Bang' Camila sat up breathing heavily looking around to see what that loud sound was and were it had came from.

She then noticed that Lauren was awake too. "Babe did you hear that to?" Lauren asked as she sat up rubbing Camila's arm.

"Y-yeah I did, we should go and check on logan." Camila said shaking a bit with the thought of anything being wrong with him.

"Ok baby but I'm sure he's fine." Lauren began to say.

"Mommy! Momma! No, no let him take me away again!" Both Lauren and Camila hopped up quickly and ran down the hall to Logan's room.

Both the women sat on the bed as the little boy was crying his eyes out and cradled him.

"LoLo what's wrong with him? I've never seen him like this before." Camila asked afraid of what was wrong with her son and she had just got him back.

"Camz calm down babe I think he's just having a nightmare." Life older woman said trying to calm her wife and understand all this herself at the same time.

"Then why won't he wake up Lo?!"

Lauren really began to panic a little with not knowing what to do, and with all theses questions from Camila that she couldn't answer. Because she honestly didn't know why he wouldn't wake up but they just had to stay calm.

"Logan. Logan, come on logan get up buddy. Wake up for momma and mommy we're here." Lauren said while nudging the small shaking kids body back and forth trying to wake him up.

Lauren looked over at a horrified looking Camila who was shaking her head back and biting her lip.

There was was a loud gasp that grabbed both Camila and Lauren's attention quickly.

Turning their heads towards their son who had finally woken up. Lauren had a huge smile on her face and Camila still looked worried and confused yet happy at the same time.

"Mommy! Momma! You here, you didn't let him take me." Logan said with a huge toothless grin and tears still coming down his small face.

"Of course we're here baby, and you scared us to death. Never do that again." Lauren said to logan while whipping his tears away and then kissing his head.

"You sure did, and baby mommy needs to know who this 'he' is you keep talking about" Camila said while looking up at her wife and then back down to her son and grabbed his hand.

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