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Hope you enjoy 😘 also sorry for any mistakes..


"You know I just wish you'd help me a bit more." Camila said

"What are you talking about? I help you plenty, I help you with the kids, around the house." Lauren explained causing Camila to roll her eyes.

"Yeah Lauren but sometimes it's just not enough! I get tiered to but do I get to sleep all night and morning? No, I don't I have to get up and take care of our kids. And you know sometimes I'd just like a little break or at least a little more help, is that really to much to ask."

Lauren shrugged her shoulders. "Well I really don't know how I could help much more than I do now." And with that she walked off leaving Camila standing there.


Another sleepless night. And Camila was up with both the twins this time seeing as Caiden had began crying and yelling which woke Carmen up making her all fussy. Good thing Brooklyn and Logan are still sound asleep, because if not things would be much worse.

"Camila could you go and answer that I'm kinda busy!" Camila rolled her eyes as she heard Lauren yell from their bedroom upstairs. Why someone started banging on the door at this time of night Camila had no idea who it could have been but she wanted to find out.

"Ugh hold on I'm coming." She said as she made her way to the front door with Carmen in her arms. She sighed as she finally made it and made sure to hold on tight to her baby. As she swung open the door she let out a gasp and stepped back slowly.

"W-what are you doing here?"


?? Unknown POV.?? First person-

I told her I would be back.. Maybe she just didn't believe me. Hmm, well it doesn't matter if she did or not because I'm here and I came to get back what I lost, and this time I won't stop until I do no one is going to get in the way of me getting what I want. Not even that so called wife of her's.

As I had slipped on some clothes and hopped into my car I quickly sped towards her house, not wanting to waste any more time.

I parked my car down the street not wanting any one to see me and I got out walking up to the door. I knocked the first couple of time but when no one came I got angry and began banging on the door,my patience quickly running out.

"Ugh hold on I'm coming!" I heard someone yell from the inside so I stopped knocking and just stood there.

As the door slowly opened I heard a gasp and looked up to see her moving back.

"W-what are you doing here?" I just looked at her and smiled until I noticed she had a baby in her arms. A frown grew on my face, i can't believe that she went and had another kid on me, I thought she would wait for me.

I sighed and stepped into the house closer to her. I smiled and whispered "I'm here for you."


Camila's POV

Camila was so shocked she couldn't even move or speak she just stood there while silently shaking her head as tears streamed down her face.

Family full of surprises(Camren)Where stories live. Discover now