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"Well I got some news that Kenzie and Greyson are out of jail." Lauren said in a low voice.

Camila's eyes literally almost popped out of her head when she heard that.



-Sorry for any mistakes😌enjoy guys😜

Chapter 76

"What?!" Camila shouted as she hopped up from the couch. She couldn't believe what Lauren had just told her. How was this even possible.

"Camila you promised." Lauren said as she tried to bring her back down but Camila snatched her hand away.

"No. Fuck that. How could you not think this was important enough to tell me earlier?!" Camila was furious and Lauren knew that. But for some reason she thought it was better to wait and tell her.

"Babe I just knew how you would take it, I'm sorry." Lauren said while standing up and putting her arms around Camila to hold her.

Camila sighed and put her hands up "ok fine I forgive you but what about Austin? Is he getting out, Lo he can't be getting out to I-I can't deal-"

Lauren shook her head and rubbed Camila's back to calm her. "Baby he's not getting out. I was only told about Greyson and Kenzie I promise you."

Camila sighed and tried her best not to cry. She felt so bad right now, her emotions were all over the place.

"Lauren I can't have this effecting our family again ok, this can't happen." Lauren nodded and tightened her arms around Camila. She knew exactly how her wife was feeling at this moment, and all she could do right now was try and make her feel better.

"I know baby. And it won't because I won't let it." Camila sighed and just rested her head on Lauren's shoulder.

"What are we going to do?" Camila whispered in a shaky voice.

"Well for starters, we're going to stick together and not let this break us apart like last time. Let's just worry about protecting our family, not these people that hurt our family in the past." Lauren said while looking into Camila's eyes.

Camila sighed and nodded as she wiped her eyes dry.

"Ok, your right. But what are we going to tell Brooklyn you know shouldn't she know that her mom is home?" She asked looking at Lauren as she still laid her head onto her chest.

Lauren sighed as she thought about what Camila had just said. She hadn't thought that far yet, but hearing Camila  say it really made her think.

Lauren took her hands off of Camila for a brief second to rub them across her face. "Ugh, I really don't know yet camz."


"Mommy?!" Logan said being his usual loud self as he walked happily downstairs with his favorite stuffed bear tucked in between his arm.

Camila looked up from the dining room table as she had her head laid down in her hands. "Yes baby?" She asked while looking at her son.

Logan walked over to her more and pushed himself up onto a small chair. "Mommy, you ok?" He asked

Camila have him her best smile that she could manage at the moment. She nodded her head quickly. "Yeah sweetie, Mommy's just fine."

Family full of surprises(Camren)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu