Family full of surprises ( Chapter 14)

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Today since it was the first official day that they had got to be with logan, both Lauren and Camila wanted to spend these days with him.

Camila woke up the next morning with quite a headache, and she knew it was only because she went to sleep upset and alone without her wife beside her.

She knew that Lauren was only trying to help but it still didn't make the situation better and she just thinks that she needs to understand that. Camila figured she was the first one up since she didn't hear anything and usually Logan was pretty loud in the mornings, but for some reason Camila couldn't help but think that whatever that dick Austin and bitch Kenzie did to her baby could have change him and the way he acts. Which she witnessed last night.

After Camila had gotten up and done her regular morning routine and decided to go and make breakfast for her family.

As she was making her way down the hall she stopped at The door that read 'Logan's room' written in blue crayon and anyone could tell it was done by a little kid but he tried. Camila ran her hand over the writing and smiled before tapping the half opened door all the way open.

She peaked into the room trying to be as quiet as she could before taking in the whole view and walking in.

Camila sighed noticing that Lauren and Logan cuddled up together in bed. It was the cutest site Camila had ever seen and she loved it.

She stepped closer to her beautiful wife and son before gently bending over and kissing them both on the nose and playing with their hair some "I love you logan baby." She whispered to him and she moved on to Lauren "and I love you too, and I'm sorry LoLo I really am." She said and got up and left the room to finally stat breakfast before they woke up.


Lauren woke up with her arms still wrapped tightly around Logan's small body and it brought a huge smile to her face.

It wasn't just a dream, she really had him back, she finally had her family back. But then she remembered the things that happened that night between her and Camila.

She had hoped that everything between them would go back to the way it was before. Lauren knew it was going to be difficult but she was willing to try for her family.

Lauren was so deep in thought she didn't even notice her phone ringing on the other side of bed.

"Hello?" Lauren answered not even bothering to look at the name and whispered through the phone since logan was still asleep in her arms.

"Oh my god finally Lauren you picked up!" Lauren then realized the voice belonged to one of her best friends also known as Ally Brooke.

She smiled hearing her voice not knowing that she missed hearing her voice so much and she had so much to tell her and the other girls.

"Yeah and I'm sorry for not answering but we've been dealing with a lot lately." Lauren answered while looking down at logan

"Yeah I seriously understand, we all do laur."the woman on the other line whispered

"Well look me and camz have a lot to talk to you guys about so how about you and the others come over later today." Lauren said silently hoping she would say yes.

"Absolutely! I'll call them up and let them know." The older woman said

"Ok ally thanks, bye love you," Lauren said noticing that logan was waking up.

"No problem Lauren and if you need anything call me you know you can. Love you too." And with that they both hung up and Lauren looked down at logan to get him up all the way.

Family full of surprises(Camren)Where stories live. Discover now