Family full of suprises (Chapter 5)

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-A/N ok guys so here's chapter 5 hope you like it!

Chapter 5

"Babe everything is going to be alright I promise you." Lauren said trying to comfort Camila while rubbing the younger brunettes hand as they walked into the doctors office.

Camila just put her head down on Lauren's shoulder and sighed. "But how do you know that, what if everything's not alright?" She asked looking up at her wife, lauren gave camila a small smile. "Then we'll get through this together, baby I told you this and I meant it." She said and kissed the top of camila's head and opened the door for her as they made to the front of the building.

When they went in lauren signed camila in as camila found them seats and sat down and watched to be called on. It honestly didn't take as long as they thought it would before she was called back.

-Mrs. Camila Cabello Jauregui "well here we go" camila said sighing and lauren grabbed her hand before giving her a quick kiss following her into the back room with the doctor.

"So guys what's been going on? " the doctor asked the two as she was looking at the charts.


"Mommy, momma I had so much fun at gwrandmas and gwrandpas even with uncle chrwis and auntie twaylor!" the very over excited boy said as camila and lauren had picked him up from the Jauregui residents.

"that's good baby, I'm glad you had fun." camila said and kissed his cheek "yeah me to bud, glad you had fun!" lauren added in rubbing his head like she always does.

"Mommy now I get to see auntie sofi and other grandma?" Her son looked up at her with hopeful eyes.

"Logan baby I promised you that I would try and I will as soon as we get home I will let you talk to them, yeah?" She looked back at her soon from the front seat of the car. "O-tay mommy I guess we can wait." He said giving a little smirk, "you are just like your mom you know that." Camila said while laughing which made lauren look over from the road some.

"Hey what's that supposed to mean?" She asked her wife in a joking tone.

"Oh it was definitely a good thing babe it just means that he is going to be a little charmer." Camila said while pinching her wives cheek, and giggling.

"Well it better be and in that case I already know." Lauren said with a cheeky smile on her face. "Mmhmm sure baby whatever you say!" The younger woman said smiling.


"H-hey mom" camila said through the phone as they had already made it home and she decided to go ahead and call since she did of course promise logan that she would.

"Oh my gosh mila how've you guys been we miss you so much!" Her mother says excitedly down the phone.

"We're good mom, umm I just want to know if you guys wanted to come over for a family dinner that we are going to have tomorrow you know we haven't seen you in a while." She explained silently hoping that she would say yes.

"Of course we will be there and sofi really misses you guys as well..but there's something I have.-" camila smiled hearing this news and didn't even let her finish "oh this will be great mom listen I have to go now but I will see you tomorrow afternoon tell sofi I said hello and I love her, love you!" She said "love you too sweetheart." And they hung up.

"So how'd it go?" Camila jumped at the sound of Lauren's voice.

"Oh babe you scared the hell out of me" she said while laughing and putting her hands up on her chest.

"I'm sorry baby but how'd it go?" Lauren asked again with a smirk on her face.

"It was fine and she said that they would be able to make it here tomorrow afternoon." The younger woman said and stood up putting her hands around Lauren's neck as Lauren did the same with Camila's waist as they shared a soft, short yet passionate kiss.

"You still nervous aren't you?" Lauren asked

"Absolutely, what if the results aren't good? Then what will we do, and I k-know you said you wouldn't leave but things change, and you never know what you will do until you're in that position and-" Camila was cut off by a kiss "camz shut up please I love you baby and I'm. Not. Going. No. Were." She said in between kisses.

Camila couldn't help but smile "Good I love you too! But hey baby we're is logan,-"

"I right here mommy!" He said from the bottom of the stairs and came into the living room where they were standing "momma was supposed to be pwaying hide and go seek with me, but you didn't seek momma!" He said while pouting

"Oh I'm so sorry bud but I had to talk with mommy here but I promise to make it up to you." Lauren said while picking him up.


-The next day-

The next day went by pretty quick to lauren and pretty soon her and her family and close friends where all over at their house having a good time.

"look momma, mommy I know how to swim!" lauren heard logan yell from the big pool with the other kids that they had in the yard.

"that's great bud! " she said with a smile on her face." yeah baby it is but please be careful, all of you be careful! " camila of course yelled back.

" so you did go to the doctor right? " camila heard as she turned back around to her conversation she was having with the girls.

" yeah we did and she said that they would call us with the results by no later than tomorrow so we've just been waiting basically. "

She explained to them and shrugged her shoulders. "Well that's great!" Dinah said excitedly causing all of them to look at them with raised eyebrows, "I-I mean it's great that you guys will know if your pregnant or not, not the fact that this could ruin you guy's entire relationship." Camila sighed deeply as Dinah explained with a smile on her face, "Dinah!!" The rest of the girls yelled at her while hitting her.

"Ouch. Hey sorry I was just saying!" She said in defense and rubbed her arms and legs.

"Babe don't listen to anything Dinah says she's just being... Dinah." Lauren explained while kissing camila who was looking down every since Dinah had said that about the pregnancy thing.

"Yeah you know how clueless Dinah can be sometimes, or well most of the time." Normani said making the rest of the girls laugh and agree. "Well thanks girls because you know I'm not right here so..." She said while pouting.

Camila just shook her head "yeah I know babe and I love you very much for that." She said to her wife and kissed her

"Aw we you two are the cutest, maybe it wouldn't be to bad if you had another baby." Ally said


"Grandma, auntie sofi, I miss you!!" That sure caught the younger woman's attention as she was getting all the kids out of the pool.

A smile instantly grew on her face as she seen her sons little feet running towards her mom and little sister, 'well she's not so little anymore' she thought with a smile.

She then felt arms around her waist and instantly knew that they were her beautiful wife's Lauren's.

"Looks like they made it, but before you look all the way up promise me to stay calm." She whispered into Camila's ear and she nodded "of course but why-" she stopped in the middle of her sentence and looked up.

"Dad! What are you doing here, mom why did you bring him?" Camila know she promised to stay calm but that thought had completely left her mind.

" because sweetie your father and I have gotten back together."


Ok everyone hopefully you enjoyed it! More to come so if you stay with me you won't be disappointed, I promise!

-kaylin Marie

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