Family full of surpises ( Chapter 26 )

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Ok so fist I just want to thank you guys for the 2k votes and 50k reads, it truly means a lot to me!

Thanks guys, but now for the chapter...



"Mommy can we please go!" Camila shook her head another time at Logan who was begging to go to the baseball field.

"I'm sorry baby but momma and I don't think you should go back there." Camila said as she bent down towards Logan's face as he pouted. "B-but all my friends." Camila sighed "sweetie I know but you can still see them, they can always come over." Logan nodded softly, "ok mommy." Camila hated to upset Logan like that since it was something that made him so happy.

"Morning babe." Camila jumped as she felt arms wrap around her waist and hot breathing on her neck. She turned around to come face to face with Lauren and she smiled. "Good morning babe." Camila said as she wrapped her arms around Lauren's neck, and gave her a passionate kiss. This only caused Lauren to smile like a complete idiot and kissed back with just as much passion.

"So baby, Logan wants to go back to the baseball field again." Camila brought suddenly as they were still standing in the same position. "What do you think?" Camila asked continuing to talk since Lauren didn't say anything yet.

"Really Camila." Lauren said letting go of her wife and bagging up. "I'm sure you know exactly what I think about that. I mean it's common sense, what do you think about it?" Lauren asked but it came out more harsh than meaning to and she knew because she seen the hurt expression on Camila's face. "Baby.." Camila said while pulling Lauren back into her arms. "I told him that we didn't want him to go back and that he could still see his friends any other place but there." Camila looked at Lauren trying to study what her reaction would be.

Lauren sighed "I'm sorry for snapping at you camz, it's just you and I both know how u feel about Greyson and I now know that you feel the same. So there is no way in hell I want my son going back there again." Camila shook her head in a understanding matter, "no it's fine laur because I know you didn't mean it and with everything going on its hard I get that, completely and I agree with that he should not be going back." Lauren smiled slightly at her wife. "Besides, he'll be talking about something else in a minute. You know it doesn't take very long."

"Momma?" That grabbed both Lauren and Camila's attention. "Yes bud?" Lauren asked back as she watched her son walk over to them with a pout on his face. "When do I get to see grandma and papa, uncle Chris and auntie Taylor?" Lauren looked over at Camila who had a smile on her face. "I told you, and that didn't take long."

"Well buddy I don't know actually, you know their really busy lately but how about we go and see them soon." Lauren said while bending down to his hight and pinching his cheeks. "Ok, stop momma!" Logan said while taking off running. "Oh I'm gonna get you!" Lauren yelled back as she began to chase Logan around their house and all Camila could do was shake her head. "My two babies." She spoke to herself and smiled and began cleaning up.


"Like I said I know something's not right, I just don't trust her." Lauren said through the phone as she was driving to the store with Logan.

"I understand that darling but I really want you to be careful and remember that it's not that child's fault her mother is psychotic." Lauren laughed at her mothers rant.

"Thanks mom and I will." Lauren said and looked back on Logan because he was for some reason quiet.

"You will be carful or you will remember that it's not that child's fault her mother is psychotic." Lauren sighed, "uhh both."

"Ok good. Also remember that I'll support you no matter what." Lauren nodded forgetting that her mother couldn't see her. "Will do mom. I love you." "I love you too sweetie, and tell that wonderful daughter in law and grandson of mind that I miss and love them both." Lauren could practically see the smile on her mom's face at the mention of her wife and son. "Of course. Bye." She said "bye honey." And with that Lauren hung up and looks back at Logan once again.

"Hey bud, you ok?" All Logan did was shake his head and Lauren could tell them that he was sleepy. "Alright baby go ahead and go to sleep." Lauren seen the frightened look on his face, "you promwis you not going no where?" Logan asked with big hopefully eyes and all Lauren could do was bid until she pushed back her tears. "I promise you Logan I'm not leaving you." He shook his head a little before falling back to sleep. It hurt Lauren so bad for her son to even began to think that she would leave him. Even though she's told him this before she'll tell him another thousand times until he believes her.

Lauren had finally made her way home and got Logan out of the car. As she opened the door she walked in on a angry face Camila.


Camila had began to take a shower while Lauren and Logan went out but right before she could do so her phone went off.

"Hello?" Camila asked when she picked up her phone not knowing who it was.

"Um hey, this is Camila right?" The person asked which made Camila even more confused but she answered.

"Uh yes it is, who's this?" Camila asked

"You really don't know?" The person asked and Camila started to get aggravated now.

"No I don't which is why I asked who is this." She snappily replied while tapping her foot on the cold tile floor of the bathroom.

"It's me, Lainey." Camila was less aggrieved now but still confused. "Ok." Camila said and hunched her shoulders up, "Lainey Sails, from high school, remember we used to be friends-" Camila cut her off by suddenly remembering.

"Oh yeah I remember now, but wait how did you get my number?"

"I'll explain later but right now is there anyway we could meet up and talk." Camila shook her head out of her thoughts, "umm yeah we can meet up. How about at the old park school?" Camila asked "yeah that's fine with me." "Alright but give me about 25 minutes because that's usually how long it takes me to get in town."

"Alright I'll meet you there. Bye" "ok. Bye." Camila said and hung up before thinking what she could possibly want.



So here it is guys! I'm working on the next chapter now so... I hope you enjoyed this😁

-And if not then tell me why, I love to know your thoughts on it💭anyway what do you think Lainey wants to tell Camila and why she wants to meet up with her? Why was Camila upset?

Luv you all -KaylinMarie💋

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