Noodles and Theories!

Start from the beginning

Eventually, he pulls away, giving you a cheesy grin.

"Sufficient apology?" you manage to say, laughing lightly at the end of your sentence.


*le time skip*

You finger hovers over the call button on your phone - you're still debating whether to call the mysterious code maker.

Suddenly, you sneeze, which makes your finger press onto the call button. You go into a state of panic, yelping and somehow dropping your phone, but you catch it just in time before it falls off the bed.

Bringing your phone up to your face and stabbing your finger on the cancel button, you let out a sigh of relief as the call cuts short.

Dan peeks his head round the door, looking alarmed. "Are you okay?!"

You give him a small smile, which you hope is reassuring. "I just dropped my phone."

"Oh, good!" he exclaims, losing his worried expression.

"What do you mean, 'good'?" you ask in mock horror. You clutch your phone to your chest dramatically, whispering "my baby..." to it.

Dan looks at you as if you've gone mad, shaking his head at you. "I was just relieved that you weren't hurt, shut up."

"Thank you for your concern," you say in a posh voice, smiling at him.

He rolls his eyes, yet smiles at you. "How are you feeling now?"

"A bit better," you reply, shrugging your shoulders. "My stomach ache isn't as intense, and those pain killers definitely helped my headache."

"That's good... do you want any lunch?"

"No thanks, just in case," you reply, grimacing and gesturing to your stomach.

"Ah, okay," Dan replies, coming over to your side and giving you a kiss on the forehead. "Call me if you need anything," he whispers, straightening up and leaving the room.

Your smile you had on your face fades slowly, leaving you with a slight frown. You unlock your phone, and see that you have two missed calls, both from the number you accidentally called.

Oh no.

You're about to lock your phone again when you notice that you have a new voicemail from the number, too.

Tentatively, you ring the voicemail number, holding your phone up to your ear.

"You have: One new message. Press one to view the message, press two-"

You impatiently tap the number one icon on your phone, holding it up to your ear once more. The phone beeps, then it plays the message.

"cursssshhhhhh (static noise I can't do word noises okay shh)..."

Another beep sounds, then the strange phone voice lady comes back.

"To listen to the message again, press one. To save the message, press two. To delete the message, press-"

You end the call, without deleting the message. Who knows, it might be important someday.

*le time skip*

"Yo!" Dan says to you cheerily, bounding into his room with a bowl of something.

"Hey," you reply quietly, suppressing a laugh as he sits down beside you and pulls a face.

He picks up his fork and shoves a mouthful of noodles from his bowl into his mouth. "How are you feeling, now?"

"I'm okay... but... I need to talk to you," you say awkwardly, playing with your fingers.

He swallows the noodles abruptly. "You don't want to break up, do you...?"

"No! Of course not," you reply immediately, pecking his cheek to reassure him. "It's about the phone number, you know, the one with the code?"

Dan nods. "Yup," he says, eating another forkful of noodles.

"Well," you continue, "That number has called me twice today, and left a voicemail."

His eyes widen. "No way! What did they say?"

"I missed both the calls, and the voicemail is just static noise..." you say, chewing the inside of your cheek and unlocking your phone.

You start to play the voicemail to Dan, watching his expression. He frowns, his fork suspended in the air.

"What the f*** was that?" he asks rhetorically, raising his eyebrows.

"I don't know..." you reply, sighing and messing up your hair a bit. "I'm scared, to be honest. I'm trying to decide whether to call the number back or not."

He doesn't speak, the only sound being him chewing. "I'll call it."

A/N: Heyyyyy! Been a while xD How are you all? Good, I hope ^__^

Okay, so I've entered a fanfiction competition! It's on @fanfiction_awards page, which are awards just for x reader fanfictions :3

So, if you would like to, maybe vote for my story? It's completely your choice, and I won't force you to :D

Okay, so here's how you do it:

1. Go to the book on @fanfiction_awards profile titled "Youtubers Entries".

2. Look through the entries for the youtuber x reader stories (mine will be there) and vote for the one you'd like to win the competition (after reading that story, obviously).

3. To vote, just write in the comments which story you would like to win, or make an in-line comment if you like.

That's it! If you don't understand my instructions, you can read the books titled "Guidebook" and "Updates" on @fanfiction_awards page :)


You can skip the rest of this, if you like xD

But in other news, I went to TATINOF and it was AMAZING HOLY FRICKING CATS. *sighs*

I want to relive that day so much ;^;

Bry was there too, and omw he's so tall xD I didn't get to meet him, sadly, as there was a MASSIVE crowd of people around him, and then he left after taking a few pictures with his viewers.


Oh, and I see some mixed opinions in the comments about Minty! Some people thinks she's plotting against everyone xD What do you think of her, and do you like her?

ALSO, happy late Halloween! :D what did you guys dress up as? I was a skeleton thing (original, I know).

I think that's about it, so see ya :3

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