Surprises Part One

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I woke up to a knock on my door. It was Saturday which was usually the day I had off so a knock anytime before noon was weird.

It must be Rio.

I pulled the door open in my blue sweatpants and Nike sports bra with my hair in a messy bun. I frowned, seeing a random man in a butler suit.

"Hello Ms. Skye?" He asked.

"Yes that is me." I said.

"Good. You have a car booked for you. Are you prepared to go?" He asked.

"Go where?" I asked, skeptical of him.

"It is a surprise ma'am. You may go get dressed and I'll be back up in twenty minutes." He said, "And I have permission to remove you from your home by force."

I saluted the man and debated on listening. I mean who sent me a random ass car for surprises?

"Hello?" Rio asked sounding groggy.

"Yo, someone sent me a random car to take me God knows where. What should I do?" I asked.

"Get in that damn car and don't ever call me before noon on a Saturday again." Rio said hanging up.

I sighed, guessing I could go with the man and his nice BMW. I took a quick shower before sliding into a pair of black leggings and a plain black and white Pink hoodie with some Jordan's. I threw in a pocket knife, some mace, my phone, my wallet, my keys, and an bottle of Bath & Body Works lotion with the matching perfume. I brushed my unruly curly hair back into a ponytail and went downstairs where the man was standing outside the car.

"I'm glad you decided to cooperate Ms. Skye." The man said opening the back door of the slick and clean black car.

I slid into it with a nod of thanks. I sat back against the comfortable leather seats and checked my phone. I texted a few people back including Stormy and Rio. I checked my Instagram and Twitter pages before getting on Snapchat.

I watched a few people's stories before the car stopped. I looked out the tinted windows and saw a sign that read Glowing Sun's Spa.

The man opened the door and I stepped outside. He escorted me inside and stepped up to the desk. The secretary smiled up at us with a blinding smile and glowing tan skin.

"How may I help you?" She asked.

"Hello. This is Ms. Skye. She has an appointment." He said.

"Oh yes, she's right here. I need her to fill out these papers before she is allowed back." She said, pushing a clipboard of papers towards me.

I grabbed it and read it over.

If patron is hurt by any thing or one in the spa then the patron will not hold the spa responsible for any injuries. I sighed but put my initials next to the paragraph where a line was provided.

Please list any allergies you have below:


Patron is okay with sharing a public sauna, getting a massage undressed by a person of possibility opposite or same sex, and sharing tubs i.e mud bath, steaming hot springs... I sighed and initialed again before signing my signature and handing the board back towards her.

"I'm sorry about that. We had an lawsuit earlier this year and they held all of this has an argument. So now we have waivers." She explained.

"I will be back to collect you in about 3 hours or so. Please enjoy yourself." The man said before I wordlessly following the lady back into the double doors.

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