It's Probably Not Important

Start from the beginning

"You need to go to bed, Alan. Now. We'll talk about this when you're not drunk off your ass." She spat.

"What'd you say to me Susan?" He advanced towards her in a threatening way, and my heart felt like it was beating a mile a minute. My father stumbled up the stairs, but my mother stayed still; I don't know how or why she'd stayed with him this long.

"And why, Susan," he spat her name mockingly, "Can't we talk now?! I think it's the goddamn perfect time!"

They both stood on top of the staircase now, only a couple of feet apart, but my mother didn't look scared at all. If anything, she looked sad.

I guess I would if I had to see the man I married like this every night.

"Now is not the time." She spoke through her teeth, and I could tell she was trying really hard not to lose it herself. "You're being unreasonable right now! For gods sake Alan, you just hit your own daughter! It's gotten to the breaking point Alan. You can't keep doing this. I won't stand for a man that not only abuses his family, but one that abuses himself." She spoke firmly as she looked into my dad's eyes. "So in saying that," she continued, "Go the hell to bed, and we will talk about this whenever you wake up from your hangover!"

"Abuses his family?!" My dad roared in return, causing my mother to visibly flinch for the first time. "How dare you say that to me Susan! I've provided for you every single fucking day since we got married! I created this!" He gestured around the house before returning to her.

My mom shook her head in disgust. "Ha, do you really think that Alan? I mean do you really fucking believe that?" She spat right on back. "If anything, you've done nothing but break down and destroy this family over the past year! You're the one who broke us!"

There must have been something in those words that finally made my dad snap. Completely.

Before I even had the chance to react, I saw my dad grab my mom by both of her shoulders and push her off the top of the stairs. I screamed as I watched her tumble down and finally hit the hardwood floor at the bottom.

"MOM!" I ran to her motionless body as even more tears ran down my cheeks. "OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!" I screamed as I looked down at her, pressing my hands against my head; I didn't know what to do. I began hyperventilating before I looked and saw my father coming down the stairs.

"SUSAN?" He screamed, kneeling next to her body. "SUSAN, OH MY GOD!" He picked her up and layer her head in his lap, revealing her already bruised and bleeding face. That's when his gaze returned to me. "GET AWAY FROM HER!"

I stood motionless in fear, continuing to breathe heavily as I tried to process the situation.

"I SAID FUCKING LEAVE BETH!" He roared again as tears formed in his own eyes and slowly rolled down his cheeks.

I stumbled backwards, covering my ears as I sobbed and ran. I didn't know where else to go, so I went for the front door, opening it clumsily and tripping out of it. I slammed it behind me and collapsed onto the pavement and began to sob.

What do I do?

What do I do?

What do I do?

I rocked back and fort trying to calm myself, and then it hit me;


I had to call Nathan. He was back in town for the summer; I needed his help.

I grabbed for my phone in my sweatpants pocket and quickly dialed his number, taking a shaky breathe and trying to contain my tears as I brought the phone up to my ear.

The phone rang two times, and that's when I began to panic.

"Answer." I whispered quietly to myself.

He didn't.

So I called again.

And again.

And again.

"PLEASE ANSWER NATHAN!" I sobbed to the night sky.



-Gerard's POV-

I smirked as he missed yet another shot. "Told ya I'd beat your ass at pool!" I laughed taking another swig of my beer.

Nathan frowned, angrily chugging his as well. "Shut the helllll up Gerard!" He slurred, slamming his glass on the table. "I could beat your ass any day if I wasn't this fucking wasted!"

I laughed, but our conversation was interrupted by a cell phone ringing. It took Nathan a minute to realize it was his phone, but when he grabbed it out of his pocket, he rolled his eyes and put it down on the side of the pool table. The weird thing was that the phone continued to ring.

"Aren't you going to answer that?" I pointed towards the phone with my beer.

"Don't worry about it. It's just Beth. She's probably just having another 'panic attack' or some shit." He mocked before picking the pool stick back up.

"Your little sister, right?" I questioned, taking another swig as I leaned against the table. Nathan nodded.

"You know," I smirked, "I've never had the pleasure of meeting Beth." I said tauntingly. Nathan looked up with mock disgust and began laughing. "Trust me man, you don't want to."

"Even if it's just for one night?" I winked, finishing my glass.

"Shit dude, that's my sister!" He looked up again, but soon we were both laughing.

We both jumped though as the phone began ringing for the fourth or fifth time. I chuckled. "Shit man. Whatever it is, she really needs to talk you." I nodded towards his phone.

Nathan frowned, picked up his phone, and put it on silent. I raised my eyebrows and he looked at me.

"Don't worry-" he chugged the last of his beer and slammed it on the table. "It's probably not important."

And there, my friends, is chapter one! I know Gerard hasn't been in it much, but I have to set things up first! I'm really excited about this fic, so I hope you'll continue reading! Feel free to comment and tell me what you think so far; I love to hear y'alls feedback! I've decided to go ahead and post this and then write chapter two tonight, so be expecting another update! Thank you all for reading! STAY FABULOUS! *MUAH*


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