Chapter XVl- Thunder

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Never in a million billion years did Thunder ever think he'd see what he was seeing at that moment.

"My gosh" Scara breathed.

It took a full day to reach the top of the forever long stair case, but it had been worth it. In front of them stood a legendary castle on a cloud. Thunder couldn't believe that all the fairy tales that he'd been told by his parents were now coming true.

"That's where Thor is!?" Puck's five-year-old voice was even higher pitched than normal. His excitement about seeing his older brother was causing snowflakes swirling around him, but to Thunder's relief , it was already snowing on the cloud, so Neptune and Scara took no notice to Puck's supernatural powers.

"We're not here to see Thor" Neptune reminded the eager five-year-old. "Thor's our enemy now, you need to remember that." 

Puck looked downcast, but nodded, but only way to sadly. Thunder could see that his younger brother's pity-trick was working on Scara.

"Oh Neptune," Scara started sympathetically "couldn't they see Thor? It's not like he knows that they are with us...and I'm sure he wouldn't hurt them..they're his bothers after all."

"Yeah!" said Thunder, trying to back Scara up, "Anyway, it would give you guys some cover. Thor would be distracted by us, so you guys could get Herion out without being noticed."

"But Thor has guards," Neptune reminded him, though Thunder could see that Neptune was strongly considering the plan. After a little bit more pursuing and Puck doing his little kid "Pleeeeeaaaasssseee" Neptune finally let on, after fully discussing a plan and what exactly what to say and not say.

Here's how it went:

Neptune- You won't say a word about us, or where you are coming from, or about our hideout.

Thunder+Puck- *Lots of quick nodding*

Neptune- If he asks where you guys have been you will say you were staying at different people's houses every night and that you were looking for him every day.

Puck- *More nods, snowflakes swirling*

Thunder-Can we ask him to try to stop hurting people?

Neptune- Yes, and if he asked where you heard he was evil say you heard it from one of the people you stayed the night with.

Scara- I will blow my whistle once we are out with Herion. *Points to whistle around her neck*

Neptune- Wait for a little while after that and then say that Puck is too hot/cold depending on the temperature inside the castle. Say that you are going outside for a little bit to get some fresh air and leave with us.

Puck- What if he asks us to stay?

*Long Pause*

Neptune- Than do, and come back to the hide-out once a week and tell us if you find out anything about Thor's plans deal?

Thunder+Puck+Scara- *Nods*

Neptune- Alright! Plan A into motion!

Puck and Thunder started walking to the places entrance. "There's just one problem" said Puck. "I don't get cold."

"Then I'll act too cold or hot" said Thunder.


Thunder raised his hand to knock on the large, wood castle door. Oh gosh, I hope this works.

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