Chapter Xlll- Thor

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Where are they? He thought. They should be here by now. He walked the small study room back and forth, waiting. What's taking them so long?

The new place he called home was a huge....well castle. His study was at the very top of it and the next floor down was where all his allies slept. He smiled. They all severed him, and would fight by his side against those...those. Well he wasn't sure what they were.....or why he and his Black Out members were fighting them in the first place. The Crew had done something to him....but he didn't remember what. But that was okay, it didn't matter as long as they got punished for whatever they did.

After the floor where the rest of the Black Out Group stayed and slept was a floor that was personally his favorite. He loved it even more than his study. It was the most powerful weapon against The Crew they had, and the best part was that appeared as a normal 'living room' until you flipped a switch and then...WOAH!! The Crew would be in for a treat.

The first floor was hardly a floor. It was a small stone room with a spiraling stair-case going up to the surprise room and another twisting stair-well, steeper than the other, leading down to the dungeon.

But all that wasn't even the best part. He'd came across this grand castle when climbing the mountain. He'd followed a sign that had said "Boy Scout Trail" in faded letters because...well just because. The trail had lead up to a MAMMOTH cave. It was HUGE . Being curious, he'd went inside and inside at the very back of the cave had been one huge stair-case which he climbed all the way to the top, only to find the magnificent castle....sitting on a cloud! No joke. He was literally walking back and forth in a room that was physically impossible! That's why he loved it so much. The Crew would never be able to find it.

So there he was. Standing in a place that could simply not exist waiting for Blaze and his group to get back with Herion. They couldn't fail. They'd trained so hard.

Suddenly he heard it. The draw-bridge opening, only to let Blaze's group into the castle on the cloud. He swung the door of his study open with a TWANG and charged down the swirling steps to the 3rd floor, and then down to the 2nd, currently in it's living room form.

"Well?" he breathed, after skidding to a halt after almost crashing into Blaze and Cam. "Did you get him?!'

Cam smiled seeing his leader's excitement and Blaze nodded pointing over his shoulder at Reed and Faux, both twins with wispy blond hair. They were holding a large sack in between them.

He, the leader, shouldn't have been so giddy. He striated up and wiped the smile off his face. Confidently, he walked up to Faux and Reed. The sack wasn't struggling so he guessed that Herion was unconscious.

"We hit him in the head hard, taking him by surprise" Blaze said walking up to him. "He has no idea where he is or who took him."

He nodded. Maybe that's for the best he thought. Now Herion has no idea where our hide-out is.

He nodded again. "Good work" he commented, flames dancing in his eyes. Then he noticed something. "Where's Jink and Valyor?"

Blaze frowned. "They distracted the others as we got Herion," he started. "But the Crew in training are better than we suspected and Jink was badly shot with and arrow by one of the younger apprentices and he and Valyor are now held captive. We didn't want to blow our cover, so we didn't go after them. Now they're with The Crew." Blaze's eyes sparkled with worry.

"What's bothering you?" he demanded. Why was Blaze so upset?

"It's the young apprentice sir," Blaze said fast. "He was young.....MUCH too young.." Blaze lowered his voice, almost in a scared way. "He only looked to be about five or six....and he might have killed Jink.."

His eyes widened. The Crew training a five-year-old? That's not right! And the five-year-old possibly killed Jink?! is that even possible?! He straitened. "Do you know anymore about this kid?" he asked.

"One more thing sir," Blaze said "Before we left, we heard the rest of The Crew call him by his name. It appeared to be 'Puck.'"

He, their leader almost fainted hearing the name. "PUCK?!"

Blaze nodded, a little curiously.

He, their leader, couldn't let his team, as much as they supported him, know the truth. "Excuse me," he said and then walked up two flights of stairs to his study, leaving Blaze and his group to put Herion in one of the many jail cells they had in the basement. He rubbed his hand through his fire-red hair. Little sparks popped around him like little fire-flies. Puck. If Puck was there, then Thunder and Twinkle must be there too. But he didn't care for them anymore. They were working with his worst enemy. Puck had possibly killed one of his companions. No. He didn't care about them anymore. "I won't give in to them," he said out loud. "They're my enemies now, and I'll kill them if I have too."

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