Chapter lV - Puck

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Eventually, the three travelers got to the base of Mt. Arrow, all tired, hungry, and cold. Well, at least two of the travelers bore knocking knees and lips that were chapped from the stinging gusts of wind, the other quester, however, felt completely normal, as if he were walking through 70° weather. Puck's mind was filled with so many things, he didn't even notice the cold wind, but, he never was cold anyway for reasons that were beyond the imaging of any person outside of the Westen family. 

Puck couldn't stop thinking about Thor and his parents. Why...why did they have to die, why did Thor have to run away. Especially at this time in life, Puck so close to being able to control his powers...but without Thor, his coach, how could it be done? Puck feared he'd never learn, and without a house to live in, where would he hide when he couldn't control his power? 

All these thoughts were swarming in Puck's head, he didn't notice when the 9 year old, the 7 year old (being himself) ,and the 5 year old neared the middle of the mountain where a cave rested. "We'll stay the night here" Thunder said "Out of the wind, then we'll keep looking tomorrow. "

Puck couldn't help thinking "What are we looking for...Thor?" He stole a quick glance at Twinkle and he could tell she was thinking the same thing. He sighed and shielded his face from a rock flying through the air due to the extremely heavy wind. Though he was not cold, Puck was happy to be out of the wind, where nothing could hit his face unexpectedly. 

Twinkle, however, somehow was able to find the slightest bit of fun despite the horrors of the day. She was swooping through the wind like an eagle howling like a wolf and laughing gleefully. She couldn't help but notice that the wind picked her up slightly, making her hover over the air, much to the joy of the game. Now it was almost as if she WAS flying. 

Over her shoulder, Puck and Thunder were trying to make a fire, but without Thor, they didn't succeeded successfully. They payed no mind to her, and Twinkle didn't care. She was happy again.
Then all at once a HUGE gust of wind came swirling through the air like a motorcycle on the highway. It caught Twinkle and, much to her surprise, sent her flying into the air. She screamed in terror but then realized this was it! She was flying! As Puck and Thunder came rushing out of the cave, her screams became great woops of joy and excitement. 

Puck gocked at the shoring Twinkle. "Get down from there," he cried, knowing very well she couldn't.
"Twinkle," Thunder yelled. "Grab on to that tree!" However, Twinkle didn't want to stop her game now, she was having too much fun!

Suddenly another icy cold blast of wind hit here sending her somersaulting in mid air! Twinkle screamed yet again, but this time there was no recovery. She flailed for the tree branch, but couldn't reach it any longer. She screamed, tears trickling down her face.

Down below, Thunder started forming a rain cloud in his hands. Finally it was large enough and he hopped on it, and it soared upward, trying to fight off the horrible wind. However, by the time Thunder got high enough, Twinkle was too far away, only a speck in the distant sky, swirling around with the wind, screaming all the while.

But even her screams got faint. Thunder slowly floated down and pushed Puck inside the cave, afraid he would blow away next. Puck lay down on the cloud beds Thunder had made for them and looked at the empty one where Twinkle should have been laying. Out of nowhere, Puck started bawling. First his parents, then Thor, and now Twinkle was gone too! How could this night get any worse? 

As Puck cried and Thunder lay solemnly, two far away strangers circled the top of the mountain. "Anything dangerous looking?" one asked the other.
"Not yet. But there will be something, I can feel it." Then, seeing a sudden fire where their captives were held, they ran down the mountain.

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