Chapter 28- Scara

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Scara walked through the rubble of what use to be the Temple of Zios. She started reciting the Jama gods in her head, a thing she was taught in school before she ran away.

Zios, she thought, staring at the burned and crumbling building around her. The Temple created for the most powerful god had been burned to the ground, by who Spark On could only guess was Black Out. Amber and Sarepia...

Zios is the god of all living things, Sarepia is the goddess of peace and well-being, and Amber is the goddess of determination and courage. Together the gods make Jama the culture it is, happy and carefree, determined and strong, alive and grateful. What was Black Out's point by burning Zios' Temple? Are they trying to get a point across? Scara glupped. What if they are trying to say that life in Jama should (and would!) be destroyed?!

The burndown of the temple wasn't the only thing Black Out had targeted. The Waterslides were busted in Crystal Sands, all of the homes in Coral Canyons had been robbed, and there had been uprisings in Kimbara Outback. The uprising were what had scared Herion the most. People were starting to join Black Out in the preaching of the "new gods." People had been helping Black Out burn the Temple of Zios. They'd been convinced that Zios, Sarepia, and Amber had abandoned them. And the uprisings were becoming more violent. People we getting hurt, robbed from, stolen (yes people were getting stolen) and a few had even died. Scara had never seen any so horrible in her life, but for some reason, she wasn't shaken like any other 9 year old girl would be. She was determined, and so were Herion and Neptune. They were determined to stop Black Out.

Why am I not afraid? Why am I still going strong? What's keeping me from joining the crowd of scared people? Why am I, a child, responsible for all that is happening? Deep down Scara knew the answer. It's because....It's because all of the adults in Jama....they've all disappeared!

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