Chapter 25- Twinkle

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Twinkle awoke to find herself laying in the middle of the snow covered path. Stars were dim but still visible, showing that it was dawn and that she'd fallen asleep sometime throughout her and Valyor's journey. Twinkle looked around and was startled to see Valyor's brown eyes fixed on her intently.

Twinkle looked sideways at Valyor. Can I trust him? "What are you looking at?"

"I'm trying to look through your mind," said Valyor, his voice perfectly calm.

Twinkle stared at him. "You can't do that."

"I know."

"Then why bother!" Twinkle cried out frustrated. "Why would you want to see in my head anyway?!"

"Because you're keeping something from me. I know it. Why would a 3 year old like you want to go to a top secret hideout--The hideout of your worst enemy for that matter!? Why would you be murmuring things in your sleep and be so surprised it's winter?! Why do you want to put yourself in danger?! What are you looking for?!?! Why are you so smart and determined for a 3 year old?! You better tell me.....or...or I'm not telling you where the Black Out hideout is. Tell me!"

Twinkle was extremely overwhelmed by all of the questions. "" she started. "I can't tell you why I need to go there, or what I'm looking for there. You'll turn me in no doubt. I'm not exactly working with Thor...."

Valyor rolled his eyes. "Do you think I would be helping you if I still cared about Black Out?! You were obviously not going to do something in there favor! If I still cared about Black Out I wouldn't be here! I would be on my way to tell Thor that some little girl, 3 year old know-it-all was on her way to do something bad to his group! The truth is I'm sick of hurting people for no reason and making people believe in a god that I don't even believe in! I'm sick of Thor's stupid ways!" Then Valyor's voice lowered. "Twinkle, if you are going to do something to something to stop this stupidness, I wanna be a part of it."

Twinkle smiled.

"But...I need to know what is going on..." Valyor whispered. "Please? Can you trust me?"

Twinkle looked into Valyor's eyes. They were full of longing, longing to help someone, longing to belong. They were dark brown, almost black, but full of hope. He wanted her to trust him. He wanted to be a part of what she was doing. Twinkle saw that.

"Yes" she said slowly. "I trust you....but how much do I need to tell you....."

"Everything. I need to know everything. Everything that conflicts with your story. Where are you from? Why are you on your own? What happened to you parents? Where is your family? How did you find The Crew--er I mean Spark On? Why do you need to get to Thor? What are you planning to do? How do you know so much for a little girl? How..."

"Okay! Okay! That's enough! I'll tell you. But....I need to know everything about you too." Twinkle searched Valyor with her eyes. "But," she whispered. "Can I keep one secret, one that if I tell, will ruin my life forever?" Tears came to Twinkle's eyes. "If people find out about it, I'm done for. I'll have to go into hiding and I'll have to run from everyone in the world if it gets loose." Twinkle's eyes were wet and glazy. "Please don't make me tell."

Valyor chuckled at Twinkle's sudden outburst. "Of course you don't have to tell me, if it's gonna ruin you life that much!" He laughed at Twinkle's seriousness.

He thinks I'm kidding around but I'm not. If the world finds out about me and my brother's powers they'll try to do tests on us and put us in museums! They may think we're dangerous and lock us up in asylums. I can't let that happen. I can't tell anyone. Twinkle glanced at Valyor who was moving north up the snowy mountain trail. Lucky for me my powers are so easy to control.

It was getting lighter on the mountain, and Twinkle began to tell Valyor her story, starting with the fire that killed her parents (not mentioning how the fire started, of course) then moving on to how her older brother Thor left her and her other brothers alone, fearing that he'd hurt them (Valyor had then asked how Thor would have hurt the rest of the Westen kids, but Twinkle ignored the question saying it was part of her secret.) Then Twinkle explained how she, Thunder, and Puck climbed Mt. Arrow looking for Thor, but in the process--Twinkle got blown away by a HUGE ice storm! Twinkle had then spent months in an ice cave in Mt. Shiver Territory living off of the food an old women and her son had been leaving for her. Then Twinkle told how the women had taken her in, but believed that she was crazy, so Twinkle ran away, looking for Thunder and Puck. Eventually, Spark On had found Twinkle and told her that her brothers had been captured by Thor, who'd gone evil. Now her plan was to rescue her brothers from Thor.

Valyor listened to Twinkle's story with interest, and when it was finished he asked only one question; "Why not have Spark On help you? They know where the hideout is and they'd probably be better at helping you than me."

Twinkle looked at him surprised. "You mean you're not in shock about me getting blown away by a storm?! You don't think I'm crazy for wanting to rescue my brothers from my OTHER brother who's gone evil!?"

"I've seen some crazy things in my life" Valyor said calmly. "I've learned that anything can happen."

"I didn't tell Spark On because I knew they wouldn't let me go on this mission" Twinkle said quietly. "They'd say I was too young."

Valyor nodded in agreement.

"Well," said Twinkle "Now it's your turn..tell me YOUR story!"

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